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step 2 pre-reading
look at the photos of robots and ask students to discuss the questions in pre-reading in groups.students are encouraged to speak out their opinions freely.
1.where would you find each robot?what does each one do?
2.can you think of any other type of robot?
3.do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself,have feelings,have its own needs and desires,or look and feel like a human being?
step 3 skimming
1.skim the text to find out t he main characters in the story.
title characters in the story satisfaction guaranteed
 employed in a company that made robots
 larry's wife,a housewife
 a robot
 a woman that claire envied
title characters in the story satisfaction guaranteed
larry belmont employed in a company that made robots
claire larry's wife,a housewife
tony a robot
gladys claffern a woman that claire envied
  2.in groups,find answers to the following questions:
(1)what did tony look like?
(2)what was larry belmont's problem in the end?
several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.
suggested answers:
(1)he was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed.his hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.
(2)his wife may have fallen in love with tony,the robot.
step 4 scanning
1.ask students to read the text carefully and then find out the true statements.
(1)claire didn't like the idea at the beginning,but she agreed to it at last.
(2)when tony,the robot,offered to help dressing,claire was pleased to accept it.but she thought it was surprising for a robot to be so human.
(3)tony could understand claire when she said she was not clever.
(4)claire was sorry she could do little to help her husband,who wanted to improve his social position.
(5)tony was eager to help claire.he scanned quite a lot of books in the library,but he could find no way out.
(6)tony went to town with claire to buy things he wanted to improve the house.
(7)while tony worked on the improvements of the house,claire also did her part.
(8)claire's guests were filled with admiration when they saw her house was completely changed.
(9)claire was very happy to find that gladys envied her.
(10)the company was very pleased with tony's report because he had successfully made a woman fall in love with him.
keys:true statements:(1),(3),(4),(7)and (9)
2.in groups,discuss the questions in comprehending on page 12.
(1)why did tony open the curtains?
(2)what did tony do to prevent claire from being harmed?


