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高二英语Mainly Revision教案

高一英语学案:m3u2 reading 课文(牛津译林版必修3)
centent:learn about “welcome to the unit and reading” in m3u2
learning difficult and important points:grasp the route of the passage
step 1 课前预习
1. 从广义上说_________________________  2.对….感到困惑 ________________________________
3.代表,象征,意味着 ______________________ 4.自始至终 _____________________________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
5.控制 _______________________________   6.由…组成______________________________
9.导致_________________________________  10.上层社会____________________________________
step 2  let’s skim the passage and try to find answers to these questions:
1) what are the factors that contributed to the development of middle english?

2) when did modern english appear?

3) what new factors are included in modern english?

step3  detailed reading for important information
development  times events/effects
old english(5th-11th centuries) before the middle of
the 5th century  
 after the middle of
the 5th century  
 at the end of
the 9th century  
 by the 10th century  
middle english(12th-15th centuries) in 1066  
 by the latter half
 of the 14th century  
 in 1399  
modern english (16th-  ) during the renaissance  
step 4  key structures:
1. old english is very different from the english we speak nowadays.
we speak nowadays.作定语从句,对前面的名词english进行修饰,意为我们现在说的英语,这里用定冠词the对 english进行限定,表示特指
the english people use online is different from that in daily life .
she can speak both english and french.
2. they brought with them their languages,which also mixed with old english.
※这里their languages作动词brought的宾语,动词和宾语间被介词短语with them隔开了,该介词短语起伴随状语的作用,也可以放在句末
tom brought with him his little sister everywhere.= tom brought his little sister with him everywhere.
※mixed with短语在本句中意为“与…混合”
oil doesn’t mix with water.
3. this is because english has many words and phrases from different languages ,but with similar meanings.
this is because 是一个常用的句型,意为“这是因为…”其中because引导的从句作表语,说明原因。



