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陌上烟雨 点赞 分享



1. one woman was lying in bed, awake, listening to the
   rushing winds.
2. if the hurricane had happened during the day-time,
    there would have been many more deaths.
3. it took weeks to clear all the roads and to mend all the
    broken electricity lines and telephone lines.
4. she was just about to open the window and shout at the
   dog to frighten it, when she stopped and stood quite
5. for one thing they keep the water clean. also they
    make the tank look much better.
6. mrs. cousins ran to the table, picked up her baby in
   her arms, ran inside and shut the door.
1. mankind n. 人类
2. support n. & v. 支持
3. daily adj. & adv. 每日(的);n. 日报
4. achieve vt. 取得
5. likely adj. 可能的
6. zone n. 区,地带
7. private adj. 私人的
8. institute n. 学会
9. grasp vt. 抓住
10. master vt. 掌握
11.perfect adj. 完美的
12. arrange vt. 安排
13. failure n. 失败
14. valley n. 山谷
15. base n. 基础
16. mark vt. 标记
17. agency n. 代理处
18. forward adv. 向前
19. march n. 行军
20. aim n. & v. 瞄准
21. announce vt. 宣布
22. battle n. 战斗
23. belief n. 信仰
24. league n. 联盟
25. apply v. 申请,应用
26. servant n. 佣人
27. companion n. 同伴

28. guest n. 旅客
29. abroad adv. 国外
30. dislike vt. 不喜欢
31. gentle adj. 温和的
32. luggage n. 行李
33. brilliant adj. 杰出的
34. phenomenon n. 现象
35. 1abour n. 劳动
36. hesitate vi. 犹豫
1. work on 从事
2. manned spaceship 载人飞船
3. special economic zone 经济特区
4. set foot (in) 上路
5. have an effect on... 对……有影响
6. rely on 依靠
7. come to life 苏醒
8. put forward 提出
9. aim at 瞄准
10. in store 就要到来
11. make a living 谋生
12. set out 出发
13. on voyage 航行
14. in public 公开
15. throw light upon 澄清
16. slow down 减速
17. cut up 切碎
1. ____ foot in / on 到达;进入;踏上
2. have an effect ____ 对……产生作用;对……有
3. come to ____ 恢复生机;恢复活力;活跃起来;苏
4. rely ____ 依赖;依靠;信赖;指望
5. put ____ 提出(主意、计划等);建议;推荐
6. ____ (sth)at旨在;目的在于;瞄准;企图
7. make a ____ 谋生
8. set ____ 出发,动身;上路;着手,开始
9. ____ public公开地;公然
10. throw ____ on / upon 阐明某事;使某事显得非
11. cut ____ 切碎;剪碎
12. ____ ... clear 表明,弄清楚



