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红尘戏语 点赞 分享



④ handwriting n. [u]笔迹,书法
⑤ handful n. [c] (一)把;少数。少量
⑥ handkerchief n. [c]手帕
⑦ handbag n. [c]女用皮包,手提包
▲ 搭配:
① hold out one's hand 伸出手
② hold one's hand 握着某人的手
③ reach (out) for...= reach (out) one's hand for...伸手够……
④ raise one's hand(s) = put up one's hand(s)举手
⑤ hand down 把……传下去/发下去
⑥ hand in 上交;递交;提交
⑦ hand out 分发;发放;散发
⑧ hand (over) to... 移交给……,拿给(另一个)
⑨ go hand in hand with 与……齐头并进
⑩ by hand 手工;用手(区别于用机器等)
⑪ hand in hand 并进;联合;手拉手;紧密合作
⑫ from hand to hand 从一人之手转到他人之手
⑬ at hand 在手边;即将到来;即将来临;在近处
⑭ a green hand 生手;没有经验的人
⑮ a handful of 少量的;一把;很少的
⑯ be short of hands 缺人手
⑰ give / lend sb a hand (with sth) (在某方面)帮某人一下忙
⑱ shake hands with sb = shake one's hand = shake sb by the hand与某人握手
⑲ catch / take sb by the hand = catch / take one's hand抓住/拉着某人的手
⑳ hands up! 举起手来!(命令)
比较:hands off! 请勿动手!(不要用手摸!)
▲ 句型:
① hand sb. sth = hand sth (on) to sb = hand (on) sth to sb 把……交给……
② on the one hand..., on the other hand 一方面…,(但)另一方面… (可连用,也可单独使用) (第一个the和第二个hand可以省略)
③ have a hand in (doing) sth 参与;插手;对(干)某事负部分责任
【考例9】(福建)it's certain that he will ____ his business to his son when he gets old.
a. take over   b. think over  c. hand over   d. go over
[考查目标]考查 hand over 的意思。
[答案与解析]c   hand over...to sb 把……移交给某人。
【考点6】hope 的用法
① hopeful adj. 有希望的;有前途的
② hopefully adv. 有希望地
③ hopeless adj. 没有希望的;不可救药的
① in the hope of = in hopes of = hoping 怀着……的希望  ② hope for sth 希望……;期待……
① hope to do sth (既表示愿望又表示对此很有把握)希望……
② hope that clause 希望……;预祝……
③ (be) in the hope / hopes of doing sth 希望……
④ (be)in the hope / hopes that clause 希望……
⑤ express the / one's hope to do sth 希望……
⑥ express the / one's hope that clause 希望……
⑦ it is hoped that... = hopefully...人们希望……
⑧ i hope so. 我希望如此。 i hope not. 我希望没有。(我希望不。)
⑨ had hoped to do sth 或had hoped that sb would do sth 表示“本希望(本想),但未实现”
⑩ there is little / no / not much hope of (doing) sth 干某事的希望不大
⑪i s there little / no / not much hope that...? 没有干某事的希望 / 可能吗?
⑫ is there any hope of doing sth? is there any hope that…? 有十某事的希望吗?


