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(2) worthy adj. 有价值的;配得上的;可尊敬的(常作表语,其后常跟被动语态动词不定式或of加名词或被动语态动名词)值得……的;应该……的
a worthy life 有价值的生活
a worthy man 高尚的人
a man worthy of praise (to be praised) 值得称赞的人
acts worthy of punishment 应该受处分的行为
she says she helps only the worthy poor. 她说她只帮助那些值得她去帮助的穷人(不包括那些她认为好吃懒做等不配取得帮助的人)。
6. believe, believe in, trust
三者均有“相信”的意思。believe指“相信某人(所说的话)”。i don't believe what she says.
believe 后可跟 that 从句,表示“相信,认为”。he firmly believes that i can do it well alone.
believe in 表示“信任,信仰(真理、宗教、原则等)”。the western people mostly believe in god.
trust 指“相信(某人的品德、为人、能力等)”。
i don't trust him. (= i don't believe in him.)
2. as far as i know
as far as i know = as far as i am concerned 就我所知
they returned at nine, as far as we know. 据我所知,他们是九点返回的。as far as i know, he is still working there. 就我所知,他还在那儿工作。
as far as i can see 据我看as far as i can see, the wea- ther is not likely to clear up. 据我看,天气不大可能放晴。
【考点4】in + 名词 + of
① in the eyes of 在……心目中;在……看来
② in terms of 就……而言;根据
③ in the area of 在……领域
④ in time of 在……的时候
⑤ in honor of 为纪念;为向……表示敬意
⑥ in case of 万一
[例句] you are only a child in the eyes of your teacher.在老师眼里你只是个孩子。many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how great their achieve- ments are. 人们往往从成就的大小来评价一些科学家和工程师。there have been many developments in the area of language teaching。 语言教学领域有很多发展。
【考例4】as for latin america generally,there is no reason why, ____ available resources, it cannot become a highly industrialized area.
a. in terms of    b. by means of
c. rather than    d. next to
[考查目标] 此题主要考查短语辨义。
[答案与解析]a  by means of 通过。rather than 而不是。next to 几乎;仅次于,除……之外。
9. be in love with sb. 该短语意为“爱上某人”,其中的be可用fall替换,即fall in love with sb. 也意为“爱上某人”。henry was / fell in love with mary.
make love to sb. 向某人示爱
15. may / might as well do 最好,还是做某事好,做某事也无妨 since nobody else wants the job, we might as well let him have it. 既然谁也不要这份工作,我们不妨让他去做吧。there is nothing to do, so i may as well go to bed. 没事可做,是去睡觉也无妨。
【考点5】含 mercy 的短语
① have mercy on / upon 对……表示同情(怜悯)
② show mercy to sb. 怜悯/同情某人


