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③ beg for mercy 乞求宽恕
④ at the mercy of 任……摆布;在……掌握中
⑤ leave...to the mercies of 让……受……的摆布
⑥ throw...on one's mercy 请求……宽恕
⑦ without mercy 无情地
[例句]they had no mercy on the prisoners. 他们对犯人毫不留情。they showed little mercy to the enemies. 他们对敌人毫不怜悯。he went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪下来乞求宽恕。i shouldn't like to be at the money of such a cruel man. 我不愿任由这样凶残人的摆布。the slaves were left to the mercies of their master. 奴隶们受尽了主人的虐待。he threw himself on my mercy. 他请求我宽恕他。he was treated without mercy. 他受到虐待。
▲友情提示:mercy 在以上短语中使用时,常作不可数名词(但第⑤个短语除外)。
【考例5】she is a kind-hearted woman and often has mercy ____ these who are in trouble.
a. a; for    b. 不填; on  c. some; to  d. much; with
[答案与解析]b   have mercy on / upon 是固定短语,只能使用介词 on 或upon。另外,短语中的mercy是不可数名词,前面不可加不定冠词。
10. on one condition该介词短语意为“规定一个条件”。
he allowed me to do it on one condition.
on condition that 这是一短语连词 (=only if),引导条件状语从句。i'll give you the day off on condition that you work on saturday morning.
【考点1】pay 短语
① pay back 偿还;报复
② pay for 付……的钱;为……付代价
③ pay off 还清;付完丁资后解雇;成功
[例句] have l paid you back the $20 you lent me? 你借给我的20美元我还给你了吗? he paid me back by not coming. 他采用不来的办法报复我。before he pays he likes to know what he's paying for. 在付钱时,他喜欢知道他要付什么钱。he paid dearly for his careless slip. 他为自己粗心的失误付出了巨大的代价。our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea. 我们的计划当然成功了,那是个很好的主意。when the building was completed, he paid off the laborers. 大楼建好后,他付完工人的工资,打发他们离开。
▲ 辨析:pay back 还给。只说归还,但不谈还清与否;而pay off是还清了。
【考例1】it's high time the sum was paid ____ to the bank with interest.
a. for    b. off      c. back    d. on
[答案与解析]c   正确分析各选项的意义。题意是:到向银行还本付息的时候了。
8. be seated (= sit down) 意为“坐下”,是正式用语,而sit down 是非正式用语。please be seated, ladies and gentlemen.
14. tend 常与to连用 vt. 有……的趋势,有某种倾向people under stress tend to express their full range of potential. / he tends to pitch the ball too high.
1. after three years of hard work,they had at last paid ____ all the money they had borrowed.


