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go to the zoo

巫婆的猫 点赞 分享
go to the zoo


go to the zoo

      (2).role play:
      t act as the elephant first and teach " i like…", and then find my
      friends( ss)  to play and practice the sentences.
      5. ca: t shows pictures, ss practice the sentences
      6. pa: ss use their food to practice the sentences
      7. a game: looking for good friends
      ( moral education: we are friends, we should take good care of each
      (1). 先找s1配合示范: t在b上找到monkey的图片, s1找到bananas的图片, t and ss say " we're good
      friends", ask ss to play.
      (2). 对对碰:let 10ss hold 10 pictures, when t say 1, 2, 3 , ss should find
      their friends at once.
      8. sing a song: two little black birds ( 使用课件part 3 )
      9. sum up (使用课件part 1 and 2 )


go to the zoo
