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温柔眷恋 点赞 分享



step4. practice
1. what are they doing?
2. the monkeys is eating.
3. let’s go to the zoo.
step5. exercises
1. there are some _____ (monkey) in the zoo.
2. tigers _____ (eat) meat now.
3. an elephant _____ (have) a long nose.
4. the lion ______ (sleep) in the cage.
5. he and i don’t _____ (like) apples.
step5. homework
lesson 47 where do they live?
teaching aims:
knowledge goal: master animals and phrases
ability goal: 能够把所学知识运用在日常生活之中,掌握句型:
where does it live? it lives in ______.
emotional goal: 通过学习本课的几种动物, 使学生更加热爱大自然
teaching important and difficult points:
master many kinds of animals and their habit.
teaching method:
listen, say, write sing.
teaching instrument:
tape, pictures and a clock
teaching steps:
step 1. warming up
take out a picture of panda. ask: where do they live? what are they eating?
step2. new lesson
show the pictures and discuss.
what is it? what colour is it? what does it live?
what does it eat?
then write: panda, river, tree, forest on the blackboard. read them again and again.
step3. sing the song
1. review the animals words and ask questions like this:
what is it? is this a ____ or a ____?
2. listen and sing the song.
step4. homework:
preview lesson 48
lesson 48 unit review
ⅰ. the words and phrases:
bicycle, car, bird, cow, dog, suck, goat, panda, pig, monkey, rabbit, sheep, tiger, zoo, doctor, hotel, park, street, walk, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, help, can
ⅱ. sentences:
how do you / they go to ___? by bus / car.
how does she / he go to work?
excuse me! where is _____?
is _____ far from here?
i’m lost!
can you help me?
go down this street and turn left / right.
let’s go shopping.
i’m going to ____.
may i help you? i want to buy ____.
let’s go to the ____ to _____.
how much is ______?
three plus four equals seven.
are ____ on sale?
where does it live?
ⅲ. the present tense
where does a fish live? does it live in the tree?
no, it doesn’t. a fish doesn’t live in the tree. it lives in the river.
does a tiger live in the forest?
yes, it does. / no, it doesn’t.
ⅳ. 1. fill in the blanks.
   2. read the sentences.
   3. complete the dialogue, and act it out.
ⅴ. write a composition: “my favourite animal”



