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Chapter 4 The world of numbers

chapter 4 the world of numbers
  listening & speaking
by ding yuan  丁园
 theanalysis of the text
1. background on the reformation of curriculum, this text book emphasizes much on cultivating students’ interests of learning english by using materials in our real daily life. and it also encourages the communicative and cooperative way of study.
2. this chapter is a very essential unit, not only because the topic of numbers is a common used one in almost all the english examications, but also because it is an important elements in our daily life.
3. listening and speaking skills about numbers are always the focuses and difficult points in english language teaching and learning.
there are 5 sections in this chapter:
reading, listening, language, speaking, writing. in order to address the needs of my students more effectively, i would like to adapt the text into 4 parts:
reading——needs 2 teaching periods(tp).
listening & speaking——needs 1 tp
language——needs at least 2tp
writing——needs at least 1tp

 teaching plan for part 2——listening & speaking
i. analysis of the students
they have known——1. the names of different kinds of numbers;
                  2. how to read out those numbers;
they may not be able to——
1. recognize the english expressions about numbers in our daily life by listening.
    2. do some simple calculation presented in english.

ii. teaching aims
1. enable the students to recognize different kinds of numbers in our daily life by listening.
2. enable the students to do some simple calculation.

iii. teaching focus and difficulties
1. focuses:
a. different kinds of numbers in everyday life;
b. simple calculations;
c. listening and speaking skills about numbers;
2. difficulties: developing students’ listening and speaking skills about numbers.
iv. teaching aids and methods
1. aids: some pictures; multi-media computer
2. methods: task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method

v. teaching procedures
step 1: lead-in (1 minute)
ask the students to talk about numbers.
t: where can we see numbers in our daily life?  aims and effects
greeting and lead to next step.
step 2. pre-listening (3~5 minitues)
1. show some pictures
2. write down the numbers & do a match.
3. prediction of quiz a
 aims and effects
arouse students’ interests
practicing the language in listening      material



