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SBIB Unit 14 Festivals考点复习教案

(4)visitors in india always avoid hurting cattle out of _______ for
     the local custom.
     a. care     b. respect     c. love    d. protection
 b。out of respect for sb.“出于对某人的尊敬”符合逻辑。
is respected
i deeply respect her courage.
考点4. dress up盛装;打扮; 装饰
people celebrate mardi gras by dressing up and watching parades.
tonight need dressing up because we have to go to a modern restaurant.
dress up (as)  盛装;打扮; 装饰
dress vt.   装饰;穿衣
make up   化妆
(1)we are supposed to ___________(装扮)as movie characters for
     the party, what a novel idea!
(2)flora likes to ___________(打扮)for a party.
(3)she___________(化了妆)her face to look prettier.
(4)do we have to dress up to visit her birthday party?(英译汉)
dress up
dress up
made up
考点5. in one’s opinion 按照……的看法
in my opinion, we should forbid fighting or conflicts on peace day.
in my opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents.
in one’s opinion    按照……的看法
form an ill opinion of  对……有不好的评价
have a high opinion of   有很高的评价
(1) _____________(以我的看法), it is a good habit to wash our
     hands before a meal.
(2) ____________________(在专家看来), most cloned animals suffer from several birth defects or die.
考点6. play a trick on sb 开某人玩笑;欺骗某人
in my opinion
in experts’ opinion
in my opinion, you are making a terrible mistake.
our friends will play tricks on us and try to fool us.
people like to play tricks on their friends on april fool's day.
play a trick on sb  开某人玩笑
play jokes on  戏弄
kid sb =tease sb.  取笑某人
fool sb    愚弄某人
take in    欺骗;摄取; 包括
(1)the children played a ______(捉弄)on their teacher.
(2)we all played a _______(玩笑)on him.
(3)i was completely __________(欺骗)by her story.
(4)don’t do that silly thing or our friends will _________________
      (拿我们开玩笑)and try to fool us.


