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Going west复习

4. which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage ?

a.     basketballer takes up ads as well

b.an nba all—star becomes a hit

c.     basketballer standing tall in ads world

d.     more internet in ads rather than basketball


what is an american marriage like ? as it is described in popular fiction, the american marriage is heaven on earth:problems are tiny and easy to solve ; true love is always victorious; and the understanding husband and his beautiful wife live “ happily ever after”as the fairytales say.

fortunately , most young people know better. they realize that marriage means responsibilities, conflicts(冲突) , and everyday house work. they marry “for better or for worse”because in the usa it is extremely difficult for a single person to enjoy a full and satisfying life.

in the usa, parents don’t arrange marriages for their children. teenagers begin dating in high school and usually find mates through their own activities. though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, most choose a mate of similar background . this is partly due to parents’guidence. parents can’t select spouses( 配偶) for their children , but they can usually influence choices by voicing disagreement of someone they consider unsuitable.

however, marriage between members of different groups are increasing , probably because of the greater chance of change of today’s youth and the fact that they are limited by fewer old ideas than their parents .many young people leave their hometown to attend college, to serve in the armed forces ,or to seek a fortune in a bigger city. once away from home and family , they are more likely to date and marry outside their own social group.

the average american man is about twenty—three years old at the time of marriage , his bride(新娘) is about twenty-one. traditionally ,when a couple decides to marry , the man gives his fiancee (未婚妻)a diamond engagement ring. when the engagement period begins , the bride – to –be and her future husband must meet other relatives, make preparations for their wedding and honeymoon,and plan their future together.

1.from the passage , we can infer that boys and girls in the usa        .

a.     are allowed to love each other in high school.

b.     can only be in love after they finish their school education

c.     can only look for friends in society



