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she got a scholarship to combridge but dropped out a year later .她获得了剑桥大学的学籍,但是一年后她辍学了。2.drop 动词“降落、落下”“指人或动物筋疲力尽地倒下”“降低、减少”e.g. the bottle dropped and broken .     瓶子落下来,摔碎了。the climmer slipped and dropped to death .登山者滑了下来,摔死了。his voice dropped to whisper .他的声音降到了耳语的程度。3.drop 相关短语drop in on sb. (= call on sb .)         拜访某人drop in at a place (= call at a place )    访问/参观某地in some countries parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rater than girls .在一些国家,父母尤其不愿把女孩子送到学校读书,由于习惯上重男轻女的缘故吧。 [点拨]:unwilling  形容词“不愿意的”“不情愿的”   反义词是willing 1.      willing  adj. 相当于 ready or eager to help 意思是“愿意”e.g. are you willing to accept responsibility ?    你愿意承担责任吗?2.      will 助动词,表示对未来事物的预料,还可表意愿等;e.g. you will be in time if you hurry .    如果你抓紧,你会准时到。he will start school soon , won’t he ?他不久就上学了,是吗?he’ll take you home---you only have to ask .他愿意带你回家,你只要请求一下。3.      will 名词,意思是“意志、意愿”e.g. she shows great strength of will .     她显示出了坚强的意志力。where there is a will ,there is a way .有志者,事竞成。 [点拨] 有关rather than 的用法: 1. rather than可连接两个并列成份,表示“---而不是---”rather than e.g. the colour seems green rather than blue .     这颜色似乎是绿色而不是蓝色。it was what he meat rather than what he said .这是他的意愿而不是他的原话。2. 句型would do --- rather than do ---也可写成would rather do --- than do “宁愿做---而不愿做---”e.g. he would rather listen to others than talk himself .可换为:   he would listen to others rather than talk himself .     他宁愿听别人谈而不愿自己说。he would deal with a man rather than with a woman .可换为:he would rather deal with a man than with a woman .他愿意和男人打交道而不愿意和女人打交道。3. would rather +从句  “宁愿某人做某事”,从句谓语动词用过去式,表示希望现在或将来的事;从句谓语动词用过去完成式,表示希望已过去的事情;若用进行式,表示希望正在进行的事情。e.g. she would rather the children called on her the next day .     她宁愿孩子们第二天来看望她。


