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⑨commitment: a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way; a promise to support sb/sth⑩load: sth that is being carried by a person, vehicle, etc.2.1).compulsory  2).continuous  3).requirement 4).unless 5).corporations6).demanding 7).tendency 8).comminent 9).retires 10).curriculum 11).benefit 12).outcome 13).ministries 14).be expanded3.①leave before they finish      drop out.②increased      gone up③hopes and requirements       expectations④not prepared       unwilling ⑤examined       analyzed⑥lead to acquire⑦in comes and higher levels of comfort       living standard⑧worked out      calculated

考题档案1.[全国.25]rose need special care    they can live through winter.    a. because    b. so that   c. even if   d. even2.[全国.26]—how about eight o’clock outside the cinema?                 --that     me fine    a. fits    b. meets   c. satisfies   d. suits3.[上海.30]it is believed that if a book is     ,it will surely    the reader.a. interested; interest        b. interesting; be interestedc. interested; be interesting  d. interesting; interest4.[上海.34]we were in     when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.a. a rush so anxious           b. a such anxious rushc. so an anxious rush          d. such an anxious rush5.[上海.50] one of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n)    in the number of natural disasters.a. result    b. account    c. reason      d. increase6.[ 上海.54]the engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather    the helplessness of the crew at sea.    a. added to    b. resulted from  c. turned out   d. made up7.[北京.30]it was raining heavily. little mary felt cold ,so the stood    to her mother.    a. close     b. closely    c. closed      d. closing



