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1the significance of brocklehurst's research is that.a. it suggested a way to keep some foods fresh without using some chemicalsb. it discovered small globules in both cream and butterc. it showed the secret of how bacteria increase in cream and butterd. it found that cream and butter share the same chemical composition2according to the researchers, cream goes bad faster than butter because bacteria.a. are stronger in cream     b. increase their number more easily in cream than in butterc. live on less fat in cream than in butter    d. produce less waste in cream than in butter3according to brocklehurst, we can keep cream fresh but .a. removing its fat  b. killing the bacteria  c. reducing its water   d. changing its stricture4the underlined word “colonies” refers to .a. tiny globules   b. watery regions  c. bacteria society   d. little departments5commercial use of the research finding will be possible if salad cream can be made to stand bacterial attack .a. by changing its chemical composition     b. by turning it into a solid lumpc. while keeping its structure unchanged     d. while its liquid form remains

bmy son and i were trying to sell the house we had repaired but in the barn(谷仓)there were bats(蝙蝠)and they would not leave. the barn was their home. they told us so in their own way. they hung there in the barn and seemed determined to stay for the season. don't worry about it, dad, " patrick said. they keep down the mosquitoes(蚊子).”unfortunately they also kept the buyers away. when we had asked a person to sell the house for us he had refused to show it because of the bats. bats are popular, "patrick comforted me. they're ecological(生态学的)."isn't there a machine you can buy that produces highfrequency sounds to keep bats away?” i don't know,” said patrick. but i like bats, and whoever buys this house will probably like them too."”probably?"i hated that word. how many bats are there ,anyway?" i counted about 90 last night," said patrick. they were dropping out from under the edge of the roof." you mean there are more—outside?" they're everywhere, dad. but look at it this way. when the cold weather comes, they’ll be off to mexico. maybe in the spring we can keep them out. don't worry about it,” he said for the hundredth time. it's not a problem."the bat expert i called was even more active than patrick. i think you've got a large number there,” he said in wonder, i’ve been trying to attract bats to our house for 25 years a single bat eats up his weight in mosquitoes and black flies three times every night. you're a very lucky man.” i offered to share my luck with him. he could take them away. bats have a remarkable homing instinct(本能),"he said. they'd fly straight



