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Getting the message复习

8  according to the writer of the passage,psychological space needs    .       a.are not affected by income at all       b.can hardly be changed altogether     c.can be changed if you make up your mind to do so    d.have nothing to do with cultural background9.the best title for passage is      .    a.american way of living    b. psychological space    c.space needs in different countries    d.psychological space and economic pressure ⅳ.短文改错a hobby is something that interest you very much,             1.     and is making or doing or learning something just on fun       2.     of them. in the days that most work was done by hand.         3.     people don’t have much time for fun. even children           4.     sometimes worked fifteen and sixteen hours a day. now         5.    things are quite different from the past. school lasts only        6..     about six hours a day .and there are long summer and           7.     winter vocations. almost everyone has great deal of            8.    time to spend that he pleases. much spare time               9.    is now spending on various hobbies. you can do what you     10.    want to when you are free . ⅴ书面表达 某地计划修订《中小学生守则》,欲将“生活谦虚、简朴”去掉。假如你是某校学生会主席,组织部分学生就这一问题进行讨论。有人赞成,有人反对。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一份总结材料。赞成的人认为反对的人认为1.过分强调谦虚,简朴,你将不会引起别人的注意1.学生应该生活简朴2.会犹豫不决,失去很多机会2.我们的衣食都依靠父母3.表现自己很重要3学习比衣着更重要4.自信和良好的外表会给别人留下好的印象4 谦虚会学到很多东西5牢记古训:骄傲必败注意1 字数 :120左右2 参考词汇:谦虚简朴  modesty  and simplicity 自信confidence


