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(精品推荐)2021届高考二轮复习英语学案--专题十四 强调句、省略句、插入语

(精品推荐)XX届高考二轮复习英语学案--专题十四 强调句、省略句、插入语
【典例精析】1.(安徽卷, 32)-----have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?
   ----- yes, _______, i’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.
a. if ever     b. if busy        c. if anything      d. if possible
【解析】d本题考查四个句型结构。if ever如果有过的话(如果发生过的话),. if busy根据题意,是if i am busy的省略,与下文语意矛盾;if anything 意思是“更可能的是,总之”;if possible如果可能的话。题意为“如果可能的话,我将去城里的一些老年之家看看。”
2.(福建卷,30)– who should be responsible for the accident?
  – the boss, not the workers. they just carried out the order _____.
a. as told     b. as are told     c. as telling      d. as they told
【解析】a考查省略、被动的用法。补全句子应该是they just carried out the order as they were told。
3. ( 全国ii,英语,20)it was in new zealand ___ elizabeth first met mr. smith.
a. that         b. how             c. which          d. when
【解析】a句意为“伊利莎白第一次见到史密斯是在新西兰。”考查强调句型的用法。it is/was+被强调部分+that/who从句。如果把 it was以及that去掉的话,句子就变成了in new zealand elizabeth first met mr. smith.句子仍然完整。
4.( 重庆卷,英语 22) it was not until midnight __ they reached the camp site.
a .that         b. when            c. while          d. as
【解析】a句意:他们直到半夜才到达宿营地。本句考查强调结构,可以还原为:they didn’t reach the camp site until midnight. 这是含有until引导状语从句的强调句型。当强调 until从句部分时,应注意把not一起提前。即:it is/ was not until + 被强调部分 + that + 其它部分。
5.(’nmet 天津卷,英语 8) it was along the mississippi river _______ mark twain spent much of his childhood.
a. how           b. which          c. that          d. where
【解析】c句意:正是在密西西比河岸马克•吐温度过了他孩提时代的大部分时光。本题考查强调句。如果把it was以及that 去掉,原句就成了along the mississippi river mark twain spent much of his childhood.句子仍然完整。



