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Book 7 词汇复习练习题集

  4. it was __________(荒谬)of you to suggest such a thing.
  5. the whole country celebrated the v_________ of the war.
  6. tom is too young understand such c___________ problem.
  7. it’s well known that mozart had a t___________ for music.
  8. every citizen should o__________ the law.
  9. they got married in 1999 and d__________ the next year.
  10. snow is ______________(缺少) in some countries.
  11. an english girl will feel ____________(窘迫) when you ask how old she is.
  12. you shouldn’t ______________(嫉妒) him his success.

二. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子
  1. a small boy saw the smoke and ___________________.(发出警报).
  2. she always tires to avoid being _____________________.(和杰克单独相处)
  3. britain has lots of its ________________(足球天才) to clubs abroad.
  4. father ____________________(把报纸放在一边) and reached for his cigarettes and lighter.
  5. ______________________(警方自称) to be completely puzzled by the lack of evidence.
  6. the $400 million loan will help ________________________.(使俄罗斯经济好转)
  7. ______________________(真是荒谬)not to wear a coat in such cold weather.
  8. we_______________________(渴望得到你尽早的回复)to this matter.
  9. the soldiers will ____________________(被考验) under the stress of war.
  10. during the first few months ________________________________(一切进展地很顺利).
  11. 我不忌妒你有好运气。
  12. 你最好别碰钢琴。(leave…alone)
  13. it is one thing to work out a plan and it is another to ____________________(执行它)
  14. the dam _________________________(将要建成)by the year , will benefit the whole country.
  15. she told me that her proposal needed _________________.(考虑)
  16. i feel it is your husband who is _____________________(被谴责)for the spoiled child.

unit 3 under the sea
一. 根据所给汉语或所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. they were in an ________________(令人畏惧) silence.
  2. the ____________(年度) farm output is to be increased by 4-5 percent.
  3. the doctor will be here soon; in the m___________ , try and relax.
  4. are you a__________ that your son has difficulty in studying at school.
  5. one w__________ claimed to have seen the gun.
  6. the russian army had a successful e_________ into the city.
  7. he told us some amusing a____________ about his life in the countryside.
  8. he can speak english well, but his mother t__________ is german.



