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Module Two  Garden city and its neighbours

module two  garden city and its neighboursunit 1  writing a tourist guide  i.                   language focus:1.      asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out various information about an event.2.      using modals to make suggestions3.      using proper nouns to refer to places.4.      using ad to indicate position.ii.                language skills:listeningl        recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements, and respond appropriatelyl        identify details that support a main ideareadingl        recognize recurrent patterns in language structurel        re-read to establish and confirm meaning.speakingl        using appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings.l        maintain an interaction by replying, adding or giving examples.writingl        develop written texts by presenting main and supporting ideasiii.             materials:l        sb p28l        cassette 7al        some pictures of interesting places in shanghai.procedurei.                   warming-up
1. free talk: introduce some places in shanghaiii.                pre-task preparation1. show some pictures of shanghai. circulate them in   class. invite ss to write names on the board.2. go over, correct any mistakes. read the list.3. listen and follow: read and write4. listen and repeat: read and write5. role-play the conversation.iii.            while-task procedure1. tell ss to help kitty make a note of her classmates’ suggested places for tourists in shanghai.                       2. have a more able student to read his or her list of suggested places aloud. check the answers.


