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上海牛津英语6A-Unit8 P57教案

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上海牛津英语6A-Unit8 P57教案


上海牛津英语6A-Unit8 P57教案

teaching design for oxford english
 6a - unit 8
the food we eat
contents:       page 57
topic:            where do you usually go shopping?
aids:             tape-recorder & ppt
learners:       class 2-4, grade 6

targets: help students
1. talk about supermarket.
2. learn and use the words: stall, market, supermarket
3. learn and use the structure: more expensive than…
classroom activities
i. talk about the food they are going to eat tonight (speaking)
teacher: where do you usually go shopping?
why do you go… for shopping?
what can you buy there?
students: ….
ii. practice on key words (language)
1. if you want to buy fish, where do you go?
2. if you want to buy meat balls, where do you go?
3. if you want to buy apples, where do you go?
4. if you want to buy cabbages, where do you go?
iii. practice on rose garden supermarket (p57) (skills)
which is cheap?
which is expensive?
which is cheaper?
which is more expensive?
1. workbook p .51
2. recite the dialogue.
reflection on teaching:
expensive 的比较级变化是难点


上海牛津英语6A-Unit8 P57教案
