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上海牛津英语6A-Unit9 P66教案

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上海牛津英语6A-Unit9 P66教案


上海牛津英语6A-Unit9 P66教案

teaching design for oxford english
 6a - unit 9
picnics are fun
contents:       page 66
topic:            have you got enough money today?
aids:             tape-recorder & ppt
learners:       class 2-4, grade 6

targets: help students
use modal verbs to ask permission
as wh- questions to find out specific information
use connectives to give reasons
ask formulaic expressions to decline an order
classroom activities
i. talk about the reasons:
look and say:
would you like some nuts? yes, please.
why do you like to have nuts?
because they are tasty.
more practice:
   would you like..? yes, please./no, thanks.


上海牛津英语6A-Unit9 P66教案
