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牛津英语七年级下册 unit2教案

7. she plays ______ piano well and makes a living by teaching _______piano.
8. this morning i met a man; ______ man was walking slowly in_____street.
9.______ young should love and help ______ old.
10._____ birds can fly very high in ______ sky.
牛津英语7b unit2知识点归纳
1.welcome to sunshine town  ( welcome to +地点) 
2.there is no dog food.= there is not any dog food. ( no = not any )
3.how many tins of dog food can we buy with that (= with that money) ?
4.order a pizza
5.a group of exchange students from britain
= a group of british exchange students
6.plan some activities for the students
7.love shopping / enjoy eating chinese food / like watching films
8.think of places for the exchange students to visit
9.take them to the sports centre  ( take sb. to +地点)
10.would you like to live in a modern town?
11.it is only 40 minitues from the centre of beijing by underground.
=it takes 40 minutes to go to the centre of beijing from sunshine town by underground.
12.there is less air pollution in sunshine town than in other areas of beijing.
13.look, here is such a tall building.
14.most of us live in places like this.
15.we like it because we are close to our friends.
16.we do not have to go far if we want (=need) help with our homework.
17.if so (= if you like chinese food ), you are here in the right place.
18.choose any food you like /enjoy beijing opera
19.lots of western restaurants
20.never mind
21.teach us english (teach sb. sth) / teach us how to do it (teach sb. to do sth.)
22.air pollution means things that make the air dirty
23.there are many nice souvenirs to buy in sunshine town
24.how many… / how much…的用法区别
25.i think thirty of each will be enough
26.what else do you want to buy?   nothing else.
27.no / none  (none = no + 名词)
28.no one / nobody / none / nothing
29.how many chips are there on the table? there are none. we ate them all.
30.too / also / either
31.定冠词“the”的用法 (1. 独一无二;  2. 上文提及过的人或物)
32.have a really good time
33.help us a lot = give us a lot of help
34.that’s because you think football is the best game in the world.
35.don’t miss the great exhibitions at the palace museum.
36.taihe palace – golden throne;   baohe palace — works of art;
jingren palace –brones;      yonghe palace – pottery;
huangji palace – chinese paintings; fengxian palace – clocks and watches
37.there are lots of fun and interesting things to see anf (to)do
38.listen to the guide’s introduction to the palace museum.


