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牛津英语七年级下册 unit2教案

  ① t: would you like to live in flats? (yes / no)
  ② t: this is lucy. this is lily. lucy is near lily. lucy is close to lily. guess the meaning of be close to
  ③ show be close to and give the winner a souvenir
  ④ example: xu hui is close to wu feng.
9.  show supermarket
① t: when does it open / close? ss: it opens at 8:00am. it closes at 10:00pm.
② t: it means the shop is open until 10:00 in the evening.
   guess the meaning of until
③ give a souvenir to the winner and teach until
   10. show two glasses of orange juice. look at these two glasses of orange juice. the orange juice in glass1 is less then in glass2.
guess the meaning of less then.
give a souvenir to the winner and teach less then.
example: i have one yuan. you have five yuan. i have less money then you have.
   11. teach the new word souvenir.
step 3  reading
1. there is a great new town called sunshine town. there are lots of things to do in sunshine town. now, let’s learn about the life in this great new town.
2. read paragraph1
     ① answer questions:  ① where is sunshine town?
② how long does it take from the center of beijing?
③ what’s the name of the country park?
④ what can you see in the country park?
② read part1 after tape and read together.
③ read by themselves then ask two to read out.
3. read paragraph2
① do the exercise…and check the answer.
② read after the tape and read together.
③ read by themselves then ask two to read out.
4. read paragraph3 and do the t/f questions.
read after the tape and read together.
  5.  read part4-5 and find questions in four.
        ask and answer …
        read two parts after tape, and read together.
step 4  exercise
1. go through the text and fill in the blanks.
2. ask someone to read and check.
step 5  read the text by groups, then choose some groups to read.
step 6  homework
read the text after class;
      fish the exercise book.

牛津版 7b unit 2 教案
unit2 welcome to sunshine town
一、 教学目标:
1、 学习如何描述自己的家乡。
2、 复习本单元重要字词句。
3、 复习本单元重要语法。
4、 难点:本单元重要字词句及语法的融会贯通。
二、 本单元小结:
1、 重点词汇:
none, order, underground, air pollution, area, country, building, such, close, far, until, so, western, local, teach, dirty, take, less, waiter, shopper, sick, hospital, ham, chip, each, loaf, either, right, thirsty, finger, hold, group, full, nearby, ride, bicycle, wonderful, sunny, bottle, instead.



