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牛津英语七年级下册 unit2教案

3. there is a beautiful park in sunshine town. (    )
4. many students live in tall buildings. (     )
5. there are only two shopping malls in sunshine town. (    )
6. you can eat beijing duck there and enjoy beijing opera at the local theatre. (    )

step5 reading
divide the context into three parts.
let ss. read the three parts one by one.
answer the nine questions:
part1: 1. how far is sunshine town from the centre of beijing?
     2. is there more air pollution in sunshine town.?
     3. what can they do in the sunshine park?
part2: 4. where do most of them live?
     5. how many floors do the buildings have?
     6. why do they like living in places like this?
prat3: 7. how long can you shop in star shopping mall?
     8. can you eat beijing duck in sunshine town.?
     9. what can you enjoy in their local theatre?

step6 learn
welcome to sunshine town
town new  pollution  underground  park
house buildings  floors  close  help with
things to do shop  star shopping mall  souvenirs  eat  beijing duck restaurants  enjoy  theater
useful patterns there is/ are…  it has…  i like…  i often go to…
if…, i can…  why don’t you…?

step7 practice
play a game: ‘are you a good guide?’
welcome to changzhou
city how   what
my home what kind of home do you live in?
things to do pictures
useful patterns there is/ are…  it has…  i like…  i often go to…
if…, i can…  why don’t you…?

step8 homework
1. ask students to read the context aloud and finish the article ‘welcome to changzhou’.
2. translate the following sentences:
1. 我从家里到市中心要坐40分钟地铁。
2. 我很高兴我们住在一个如此现代化的大楼里。
3. 我和同学住得很近,所以我们需要作业上的帮助时不必走远。
4. 阳光镇的每个人都说普通话吗?
5. 如果你喜欢的话,我们就去公园。
6. 上周六晚上,我看足球赛一直看到十点。
7. 如果你还想买些纪念品,我可以带你到其他购物中心去。
8. 在阳光镇,你可选择任何你喜欢吃的食物。
9. 如果你喜欢京剧的话,你可以到我们当地的剧院去欣赏。
10. 为什么不去中国餐馆品尝一下北京烤鸭呢?

本课采用整体阅读训练法,通过多种形式的活动和练习让学生对课文有全面的理解。根据学生的认识规律,在听、说、读、写的过程中解决一系列由易到难的问题。注意铺垫和衔接,充分利用多媒体,给学生营造一个生动的学习情景。让学生通过教师的一系列演示活动把握文章结构,理清文章脉络,为顺利完成本单元的main task做好充分准备。注意不要做孤立的单词教学。单词一定要放在句子、段落中教,也就是教单词要有情景。另外,要提醒学生文中“ how far is sunshine town from the centre of beijing?”这一问句的正确答案为“40 minutes by underground”而不能仅回答” 40 minutes”。对于文章中出现的长、难句,可以通过改写同义句的方法进行化解,做到不影响文章理解即可。至于这些句子的深入解析及练习巩固,可以在reading的第二课时中解决。



