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1. read the guidelines in part a, and point out what classes you can skip to attend the talks. compare the timetable with the one on page 13, so that you can find the talks to attend.
a. talks that we can attend:
1. fire prevention    2. outer space    3. school life in the usa     5. australian pop songs
2. read the guidelines in part b on page 15 and work in pairs talking according to the programme timetable on page 13 and the notes in part a.
b sample answers
class teacher: hey monitor, there will be quite a few talks next month in our school. have you chosen some for our class?
monitor: yes, i think we can attend as many as five talks.
class teacher: good. when is the first talk for our class?
monitor: the first one will be at 2.15 p.m., 11th oct. it’s monday that day. we can skip games to attend it.
class teacher: what is the subject of the talk? who is giving the talk?
monitor: fire prevention by a fireman.
class teacher: where is the talk to be held?
monitor: in room 503 building 3.
class teacher: what about the second talk? when will it be held? and what is it about?
monitor: i think most of us will be very interested in this talk. it’s about school life in the usa. it will be give on 13th of next month. the time is 3 p.m.
class teacher: hm, it’s our self-study period. the talk is sure to be given by a usa student, right? where shall we go to listen to it?
monitor: the talk will be given in room 105, building 2.
class teacher: on tuesday morning we have our chinese library class. is there a talk for our class?
monitor: certainly. on the morning of 19th, that’s tuesday, there is a talk about outer space at 8 a.m. in room 105, building 2. this subject is very popular these days. many of us are eager to know more about outer space.
class teacher: what about the fourth one?
monitor: it’s on thursday, october 21st. the subject of the talk is fighting aids. it’ll be given by a doctor in room 306, building 4.
class teacher: ok. now the last one. when will it be?
monitor: it will be at 10 on friday morning. the date is 29th. it’s our class-meeting period. and i think everyone in our class will be interested in it.
class teacher: what’s the subject?
monitor: australian pop songs. it’ll be given by a famous singer.
class teacher: where will it be held?
monitor: in room 303, building 4.
skills building 3: writing a notice
here you’ll read about what a notice is and what you should pay attention to when you’re writing a notice. you’ll read a notice by a school librarian and find all the important information in it.


