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remember that it’s correct for a father to urge his son to study hard.
make your father believe you’ll be successful in life by doing what you like.
read the second letter and answer:
a why does the son write the letter?
b what are his problems?
c how does he feel about his father?
4 work in groups of 4 and find suggestions to the father.
try to look at things from your son’s angle. if you trade your role with your son, i believe you will realize some of the problems you mentioned in your letter are easy to solve.
 remember what your son needs is more than material comfort.
 prepare to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. music are part of a young people’s life. you can’t stop him just because good communication will smooth the problems. your son wants you to treat him as your equal while you act as a commander. that’s where all the problems come from.
 you’d better not put too much pressure on your son. be a good motivator. try to encourage him to find myself, to build up self-confidence. cut out harsh remarks when your son falls short of your expectation.
 unconditional love is very important, because he is your son. 
 get ready to write an advice letter. 
     ● task  presenting a dialogue
skills building 1: understanding tones in spoken english
in this part you will read about how to express different feelings in different tones. by listening to one short sentence in different tones and reading the explanation after each sentence, you’ll learn people speak in different tones to express different feelings. listen to another sentence in different tones to decide which emotional meaning each tone shows.
1.read the guidelines in skills building 1 on page 32 before listening to the five versions of the same sentence in different tones. you will see that there are four main points to determine how the speaker is feeling. (write down the four points on the blackboard.)
*the volume         *the tones        *stressed words        *the pause
2. listen to the example sentence in five different tones one by one. after you listen to one of them, tell what you think about the speaker's emotion. is she happy, or angry? is she in high spirits or in low spirits? then read the explanation for each sentence.
3. read the sentence ‘he will come here tomorrow.’in different emotions.
if someone is happy about his coming,


