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caller 2: patrick.
host:   and patrick, if your friend is a real friend, he'll still want to see you. he's just busy right now. i'm sure it will work out fine. bye! next caller please ...
caller 3: hello? is this ‘talk time’?
host:   it is. what is your name and what can we help you with?
caller 3: i'm richard and the problem is my father. he wants me to study maths and science, and work in a big company when i grow up, but i want to be an actor. how can i tell him without making him angry?
host:   that is hard, but i'm sure he won't mind it if you take acting lessons, as long as you agree to keep your marks up in maths and science too. go talk to him now, okay? bye!
caller 4: hello, ‘talk time?’ this is jane. i called last week, about my grandma.
host:   yes, jane, you wanted to tell her that you want to live with your other grandparents, right?
caller4: yes, i took your advice and told her how i feel. you were right. she understood! thanks so much!
host:    glad to help! who is my next caller?
caller 5: hi, my name is shirlev and my problem is only a small one. my mum bought me some new clothes, which cost a lot of money, but i don't like what she got me. should i tell her i don't like what she bought?
host:   shirley, you should be honest with your mum, but make sure she knows how happy you are that she thought of you and was nice enough to buy you your new clothes. i'm sure she won't mind if you change them for something different. goodbye and good luck. we've got time for one more cal1.
caller 6: my father always shouts at me. he says, ‘william, turn off that tv and go outside! but there is nothing i want to do outside! how can i make him stop shouting at me?’
host:   well, you probably won't like my answer, but you shouldn't spend too much time watching tv. it isn't good for your eyes. join a sports team so that you have a chance to be outside. you'll feel better and your father will stop shouting at you. thanks for calling in! listen to ‘talk time’ again next week at this time.
1. jane   2. chrietina   b. shirllley    4. richard    5. patrik    6. willlliam
skills building 2: reading for gist
read four diary entries. underline the main points of each entry and circle some key words that show the mood of the writer. after doing this, you will learn that this is the skill of reading for gist.
1. read the guidelines of this part on page 34. you will see that it is very important for you to understand the gist or the main point of what you have read.


