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2. work in groups of four. each of the group read one diary entry and find the main point and circle the words which show the mood of the writer. then tell in turn what you have learnt after reading.
sample answers
entries main points the words telling the writer’s mood
the first diary entry today has been a great day because my parents bought me an expensive bike. happy
the second diary entry we had a maths test and i’m nervous about my result. tired, afraid, nervous
the third diary entry i failed the maths test and don’t know how to tell my parents. upset
the fourth diary entry all that worrying was for nothing. very happy, glad
step 2: reading a thank-you letter
here you are asked to read a thank-you letter from christina, a caller to 'talk time' the radio phone-in programme, to the host of the programme. you should use the reading skill in skills building 2 to identify the main point and some details in the letter.
1. read the thank-you letter on page 35. find the answers to the following questions:
(1) who wrote the letter?
(2) to whom is the letter written?
(3) why is the letter written?
2. decide which statements are true and which are false according to the letter. correct the false sentences.
1. f   2. t   3. t   4. f   5. t   6. f   7. f
1. christina wrote a thank-you letter to george.
4. christina and her mum spend one day a week with each other.
6. christina’s mum took her and her friends out to dinner.
7. christina was friends with her mum.
skills building 3: writing a dialogue
read about what you should and should not do when writing a dialogue first, and then you will read a dialogue and find out the reasons why some sentences are wrong according to the tips. lastly point out the sentences that show mum's and jack's feelings.
1. read the three points on how to write a dialogue. you will know what you should do and what you shouldn't do when writing a dialogue.
(the following points can be written on the blackboard.)
*don't include words like‘umm’ or‘hmm’ in a dialogue.
*don't repeat words that have just been said. for example, when one says,‘go and sit down.’
the other should use‘why?' instead of‘go and sit down.’or‘why should i sit down?’
*use the words the characters say to show their personalities and moods.
don't say ‘he/she is very angry.’
2. read the dialogue in part a and in pairs discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.


