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巫婆的猫 点赞 分享



1. i like watching the _______(海滩) in hawaii.
2. do you like living in a small _______(镇)?
3. the boy lives with his family in a _______ (木制的)house.
4. his house is ______(在…上面) a river.
5. they often use those ______ (梯子)to get into their houses.
6. he has his ______(自己的) room.
7. he lives in the ______(中心) of nanjing.
8. there are many ______ (公寓)in this building.
9. he often _____(分享) an apple with his sister.
10. my ______(邻居) are friendly.
1. thank you for ______(give) me the presents.
2. can he ______(chat) with his friends in the sitting room?
3. he would like ______(share) the room with his brother.
4. he spends two hours every day _______(practise) _____(speak) english.
5. i have lots of things ______(buy).
6. i’m sorry he has no time _____(talk) to you now.
7. do you like _____(read) story books?
8. look! the boys ____(play) basketball on the playground.
9. are you good at ______(sing)?
10. let him _____(go).
1. he lives in a large house in london.
  ______ ______ he ______ in london?
2. his favourite place is the balcony.
  ______ ______ is his favourite?
3. i would like to live in a small town.
  _____ _____ _____ ____ to live?
4. i climb a ladder to get into the house.
  _____ _____ _____ climb to get into the house?
5. he lives with his family in a wooden house.
  _____ _____ ______ live with in a wooden house?
6. my favourite room is the sitting room.
  ______ favourite room is the sitting room?
7. my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.
 ______ ______ your family and you _____ in the kitchen?
8. i share a bedroom with my sister.
  ______ ______ do you share a bedroom?
鞠躬礼,是下级对上级或同级之间的礼节。行鞠躬时要脱帽,右手握住帽檐中央将帽 子取下,左手下垂,上身前倾约十五度,两眼注视受礼者,同时表示问候。
握手礼,是全世界通用的礼节。起源于欧洲,最初是表示手里没有武器或亲切的意思 。行握手礼时要客人先伸出手时才能握手。握手时一般不戴手套,但尊贵的人和女人可戴 手套。行礼时忌交叉行礼,和女人握手不可太紧。
  点头礼,是同级或平辈人之间的礼节。如在路上相遇, 可在行进间进行。如遇见长官 、上级或长者,不行点头礼,而行鞠躬礼。


