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一派天真 点赞 分享


牛津英语8B Unit 6导学案

step 8  give ss a few minutes to practice their conversation. remind them that they should practice as much as they can. then ask some pairs to act out their conversation.通过用师生之间的自由对话来引出本课的主题“慈善”展示一些图片,主要复习了第五单元的一些慈善机构提醒学生一些他们所学过的募集钱的方式,要求学生猜猜hobo会一什么样的方式来募集钱。教师呈现慈善步行图片,并向学生解释毅行者播放录音,让学生根据hobo和eddie之间的对话回答问题要求学生两人一组表演对话鼓励学生开动脑筋想想人们在慈善步行是应该带些什么东西介绍不同种类的需求和残疾,引导出本课的生词blind, deaf, disabled和homeless要求学生完成书本p93,part a部分练习通过一些身残志不残的名人画像,鼓励学生努力学习要求学生两人一组表演page93 part b部分的对话学生和老师互动进行free talk学生积极思考募捐的各种方式学生听课文录音,回答有关漫画的问题学生进行小组练习,准备短剧表演(可以竞赛)学生根据客观事实列出在慈善步行中可携带物品清单学生根据提示初步了解本课生词,并跟读生词学生完成书本练习学生接受情感意志教育学生进行小组练习,准备对话表演


1.       背诵本课的单词与词组 2.       完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业 3.       预习reading,完成预习作业


                     8b unit 6 welcome to the unit 1.  train for sth. 为……而训练
     all the players are training for the olympic games.
2.  it’ s meaningful to do sth. 做某事有意义
   it’ s meaningful for us to help people in need.


【当堂巩固】1. write out the words with the meanings of the sentences and the first letters. 1)a b________ person: when he is in the street, others help him cross the road. 2)a p________ person: when i met him, i have him some food and clothes. that made him feel warm. 3)a d________ person: when i met them, i tried to understand them by their gestures(手势) and gave them help. 4)a d________ person: when i met him, i helped to push his wheelchair(轮椅) and helped him go upstairs. 5)a h________ person: when i met him, i took him to a refugee(收容所) and helped him to find a home. 6)an e________ person: when i met her on the bus, i gave my seat to her at once. 2. complete the sentences according to the chinese given. 1)we can help blind people ________________________________(过马路). 2)we can help deaf people ________________________________(学好英语). 3)we can __________________________(好好照顾他们) when homeless people are ill. 4)we can ____________________(给他们让座) when we see elderly people on the bus. 5)we can _______________________ (为他们募捐钱) when poor people need our help. 6)we can ________________________ (向他们伸出援助之手) when disabled people want to climb up the steps. reading


