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3. 如何使用 “while”.
anna and her family often sit in the kitchen while her mother makes dinner.
“while” 有时用来对主从句中动作进行对照或表示两个动作同时进行.
encouraging the students to use “while” to describe some situations in their daily life and study like this:
i do my homework in the study after dinner while my mother cleans up in the kitchen.
he sits quietly in class while others are excited about the teacher’s questions.
4. 如何使用share
i share a bedroom with my sister.
share something with …
asking the student to think about the question:
what would you like to share with your best friends(teacher, parents)?
it is wonderful if you can get such an answer:
i’d like to share joy as well as sorrow with my best friend.
小结(a brief sum-up):
                in term of a brief sum-up, the following exercises can be a good choice:
                fill in the missing words according to the meaning of the sentences:
1. would you like____ the buiscuits with your younger brother?
2. ____he is away from his homwtown, his wife takes care of the home.
3. jack must be ___ the park. let’s buy tickets and get __it to meet him.
4. my aunt lives ___a wooden house ___a river ___ a town ___thailand.

 as a chinese student, you want to let foreigners know more about a chinese home. take your home as an example and write something in at least 80 words..


  beach     river     kitchen     share
   1. i live in a large house in long beach, california, the usa.
   2. the house is over a river. i climb a ladder into my house.
   3.my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner in the evenings.
   4.i share a bedroom with my sister.

教学后记(teaching postscript):

unit1  dream homes
welcome to the unit

teaching aims and demands:
new words: dream, palace, capital
teaching methods: task-based approach
teaching task:     1. to talk about cities and countries.
2. have a discussion in groups, and talk about their dream homes.
                            3. write articles about students’ dream homes.



