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1B Unit 4 Superkid(1)

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1B   Unit 4 Superkid(1)


1B Unit 4 Superkid(1)

1.认识wonderland中的形容词:big, small和名词:face, ears
  2.  能根据实际情景用:he’s got… 说话。
3.  能听懂和理解grand theatre 中的对话内容,并模仿正确的语音语调在课内进行表演。
1.能听懂和理解sports club中的指令:eyes right. eyes front. eyes left. 并作出正确的动作反应。
1. 整合sports club 中的相关指令培养小学生用英语发口令。
2. 能正确迅速地用i’ve got… he’s got …
3. 能根据班内同学的特征,模仿grand theatre 的内容自编对话进行表演。
1.能根据实际情景熟练地用: i’ve got… he’s got …说话。
2.能根据事物的特征熟练地用形容词:new, old, big, small来描述。
  1. 情感态度: 学会与同学在做英语游戏时,相互学习、相互帮助。
  2. 学习策略: 善于在与同学交往中习得英语知识。
  3. 文化目标: 能主动获得课外知识,比如:超级机器人等。

lesson plan (1) 

procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1. warming-upstand up, please.come to the front.line up.  attention.at ease.  eyes right.eyes front. eyes left. 2. rhyme: waityellow, yellow,yellow,the light is yellow.wait, wait, wait,get ready to go.1. invite a group of the students come to the front and perform the actions. 2. show the yellow traffic light. then ask the students three questions:what colour is it?can we cross the road now?what should we do?then learn to read the rhyme.1. 用集合整队的形式整合sports club中的话语, 让学生边说边做,强化记忆。2.通过提问,让学生明理,提高遵守交通规则的意识,然后学习相关的儿歌,创设课堂教学氛围。taskproceduretask1: lead inlisten to a story:this is sandy. he’s six. he’s got a big head, a round face and two  small ears. he’s tall. he likes playing yo-yo.task 2:group worki’m …   i’ve got….i like…task 3 :activityi’m a… i’ve got…i can…i like… 1. teacher shows the pictures and word cards: head, face, ears big, small when the students listen to the story. then learn these five new words. 2. students say something about themselves in the group. 3. choose one animal mask and put it on. then say something about it.1. 用讲故事的方法引出要学的单词,可以增加语言的输入量。2.学生可以根据自己的长相,在小组中用英语说说自己。这样既巩固了新学的单词又培养了说话能力。3.让学生带上动物面具,讲出动物的特征,把新旧知识结合起来训练说话。post-taskactivities1.student’s workbook page 6~7 listening 2.students introduce their masks.. 1. play the cassette and do listening exercise in class.2.students draw and make a mask for themselves. then introduce it.1. 强化听力训练。2.做自己喜欢的面具,并用英语作介绍。

1b unit 4 superkid(1) 来自第一范文网。


1B   Unit 4 Superkid(1)
