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牛津英语8B Unit5 welcome to the unit学案及教案

3.在……隔壁                      4. 最重要的                                  
5. 过去常常做某事                  6.习惯于做某事                                   
7.有一些剩下的零花钱                       8.吃一顿大餐                           
二、write down the international charities:
_____________ helps people who are blind.
_____________________ protects the environment and animal’s habitats(栖息地).
________________ provides fund for development projects in poor areas around the world.
________________ helps the poor to get more food, houses, jobs, education and medicine.
_________________ meets the children’s need of nutrition, health and education.
1. _______________________________    2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________    4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________    6. _______________________________

 教学内容 8b unit5 welcome to the unit 课型 新授课   

teaching aims: 1.learn “comic strip” and know a little about international charities and “be used to doing sth”;
2.learn different names of international charities and their functions.

teaching steps:
step 1 warming up by questioning
what charities in china do you know of? what do they help?
in this unit, we’ll learn some international charities. what international charities do you know of?
have you ever heard of famous international charities like: orbis, oxfam, unicef, world vision and world wide fund for nature?
step 2 presentation
1. show the wall chart and present some charities in the world:
a. orbis 奥比斯
note: it’s a charity like a flying eye hospital. if people in poor countries have eye problems and they have no money to see the doctor, volunteer doctors will operate on them on a plane.



