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牛津英语8B Unit5 welcome to the unit学案及教案

b. oxfam 乐施会
note: it’s a british charity that helps people in many ways.
c. unicef 联合国儿童基金会
note: it’s a charity that helps children in need.
d. world vision 世界宣明会
note: it’s a christian(基督教的) charity.
e. wwf= world wide fund for nature 世界自然基金会
note: it’s a charity that protects wildlife and nature.
2. practice reading them again and again.
3. p 77(part a)
step 3 discussion
1. t: as we know, people in poor areas need a lot of things. what do they need?
( get the ss to discuss)
2. p75 part b t: what do they need most/least?
3. get the ss to make a report like this: i think they need…most/least.
step 4 listening and answering
1. oxfam needs money. what does hobo want to do?
2. does eddie want to go out beforelunch?
what time does he always have lunch?
3. where is the new restaurant?
step 5 reading and acting
read the dialogue aloud and act it out in pairs.
step 6 language points
1. used   adj.  二手的; 旧的; 用过的
2. used to 过去常常 (后接动词原形)
    e.g. i used to go to school on foot,
           but i go to school by bus now.
3. be / get used to sth./doing sth.
  e.g. he is used to hard work.
         i am not used to drinking. 

4. 一日三餐之前一般不加冠词。
    where did you have breakfast this morning?
    但如果breakfast, lunch, supper或dinner之前有形容词修饰时,常加a/an。
   we had a wonderful dinner last night.

5. “too…to…”结构表示“太……而不  能……”, 副词后接形容词或副词的原形,其后再接动词不定式。
   she is too young to go to school. 

“too…to…”结构可以转化为 “so…that…”结构,如:
he is too short to reach the apple. →
he is so short that he can’t reach the apple.
step7 homework
a. read the comic strips and try to remember it. try your best to act it out.
b. finish off the exercises in the workbook.
板书设计                      8b unit 5 welcome to the unit
international charities: orbis oxfam unicef world vision wwf
some other international charities:
used to
be / get used to sth./doing sth.

1. jim has some _____ money(零花钱), so he wants to buy a new cd.
2. china is one of the ___________ (国际的) countries in the world.



