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6A Unit1 (Part A) 教学方案

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6A Unit1 (Part A) 教学方案


6A Unit1 (Part A) 教学方案

年级:6年级                  单元:unit 1
课题:public signs                   课型:新授课
教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组cousin, always, mean, danger, grass, cage, only, public signs, stay away from … make noise,
       2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语there are a lot of signs here. they mean different things. keep off the grass. be quiet.
重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:what does it/this/that mean? it means you/we must/should/shouldn’t…
教 学 过 程
t: (ppt 1 显示课题) hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you.
t: well, let’s start our english lesson of this term, ok?
t: ok. first, let’s play an interesting guessing game.现在我们一起来热热身,做一个有趣的游戏。在这个游戏中,请你仔细看老师的动作,猜一猜这些动作分别代表什么意思。回答老师提出的问题: what does this mean? (ppt 2 显示操练句型)  (指屏幕,重复,慢 )请大声跟我读——
如果你猜出来了,就可以回答:it means …(指屏幕,重复,慢 ) 请大声跟我读——  好,现在我们就来试一试吧!
t: now watch me carefully. (做一个叫别人过来的手势) what does this mean?
t: yes! it means ‘ come here”. and what about this one?(做牙疼状) what does this mean?
t: right! it means ‘ i’ve got a toothache. ‘ now try again. (做跑步状) what does this mean?
t: clever! it means ‘i’m running. ‘now you can play this game, too. 现在你也可以和同学玩一玩这个游戏,请记住要用的句子是:what does this mean? 和it means …
s1: (做游泳状) what does this mean?
s2: it means ’swim”.
s1: (做快速游泳状) what does this mean?
s2: it means ’swim fast”.
s3: (做停止手势) what does this mean?
s4: it means ’stop”.
s4: (竖起大拇指) what does this mean?
s3: it means ’great”.
t: they did a good job. what about you? 你呢?
(本步骤设计说明:本节课课文对话生词较多,对话中反复出现新句型what does it mean? it means… 学生感觉比较陌生,在理解时会产生困难。教师通过此游戏不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,还可以渗透和帮助学生理解本课新知识,减轻后面学习课文的难度。)
1 t: well, boys and girls. do you like this game? now, let’s meet a little boy. look! (ppt 3 显示男孩头像图) do you know him?
t: no? 那我们就一起来读读他的自我介绍吧!now please read this. (ppt ②出现字幕)
hi, my name is jack. i’m four years old. i’m ben’s cousin. i usually go to the park at the weekends. and i always have a lot of questions.
  (学生读字幕内容   半分钟)
t: do you have any new words? now read after me. (ppt 4点出单词,带读cousin和always,教)


6A Unit1 (Part A) 教学方案
