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3A Unit 8 Let’s go to the park教案

课题unit 8 let’s go to the park第一课时执教顾志荣班级:三(1)51人教学目标:1.能听懂、会说let’s go to… 及其应答all right./ok./good./great! let’s go.等。2.能熟练地运用let’s go to … by…表达自己的意愿。3.能听懂、会说常见交通工具a car,a bus, a bike和表示地点的单词a park, a zoo , a supermarket.重点与难点:1.能熟练地运用let’s go to … by…表达自己的意愿。2.新单词的正确发音。课前准备:ppt





达成情况step 1warm upstep 2presen-tationandpractise
step 4home-work1.sing a song: hello! how are you?2.free talk:hello,… .how are you?look, what’s the weather like today?i like nice days very much,because on nice days,i can go to the parks with my son.we like going to the parks very much.a. learn the words of “places”1. ---parks 公园(1) 出示各个公园的照片.see,this is …park.→park(2)逐个出示学生熟悉的公园look and guess ,what park is it?(3) what other parks do you know?→chant: park ,park. it’s a park .it’s a nice / big / small / …park.(鼓励学生发挥)→let’s go to …park.   ok. / all right.(适当pairwork)2. ——zoo出示淹城zoo look at this picture,is this a park,too?sometimes, my son and i go to the zoo,too.he likes monkeys very much。what animals do you like?(适当交流)3. oh, we all like going to the zoo and parks,but before going to there, we should go to the supermarket first.(show the picture of a supermarket.) (1)new word: supermarketsu-per-mar-ket(分音节朗读)→superman,supergirls,market→supermarket(2)say some supermarket’s names.(3)let’s go to … supermarket.  ok. / all right. / good. / great. b. practise. --a: hello / hi , …--b: hello / hi , …--a: it’s a nice day. let’s go to the… --b: ok. / all right. / good. / great.c. learn the words of “traffic tools”1. show a map of changzhou.see,we are here.and qingfeng park is over there.wow,i think it’s very far!how can we go there?2.learn the words.a. hongmei park/qingfeng park—by bus/car→bus-but;if you’ve got a car, you can go there by car,too.→car-park-mark b.supermarket—on foot  let’s go to the supermarket on foot.  ok. let’s go.  foot, foot, on foot. let’s go on foot.—by bike



