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Unit5   Our  Heroes And Heroines

unit5   our  heroes and heroines

i. objective
 1. vocabulary:
   hero (heroes)  heroine (heroines) today talk, about, kind, hardworking, patient
2. who is your hero
   my hero is my father.  he is kind and hardworking
 3. usage of who & whose.

ii. processes
 1. warmming up
  (1) song: my friend
  (2) review the words
     kind, honest, funny, hardworking, handsome
 2. presentation
  (1) show a picture
t: whose is the picture? guess!
  it’s miss zhou’s.  this is my father and this is my mother.
  my father is my hero.   “hero” → heroes
my mother is my heroine    heroine → heroines
  (2) a. my father is kind and hardworking
       my mother is patient and she’s kind too.
     b. read the sentences after the teacher.

  (3) t: who is your hero?
       my hero is….   he’s…
     t: who is your heroine?
       my heroine is …..   she’s….
  (4) listen to the tape  teach: today, talk about
  (5) read after the tape
  (6) whole class read the dialogue

1. copy the new words
2. listen read recide the dialogue
3. 家听u2单词(名),准备堂听
4. 补活p9  ex.1 ex.2

layout    unit  5

our   heroes  and heroines

whose…?    who  is  your  hero?    hero   heroes
谁的         谁是                   heroine  heroines
my hero is…             patient
who is your heroine?      tall talk
my heroine is….          about

unit 5   our heroes and heroines

i. objective
 1. vocabulary:
   handsome, movie star, parents, both, great, cook, feed, well, everyone, true
 2. my hero and heroine are my parents!
   they’re both great cooks and feed me well!
 3. difficult points:
  (1) vocabulary

ii. processes
 1. revision
  (1) dictation
  (2) whole class read p21
  (3) ask students to recide the dialogue
 2. presentation
  (1) show the pictures one by one



