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6A Unit 7 At Christmas

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6A Unit 7 At Christmas


6A Unit 7 At Christmas

教学内容:江苏省牛津版小学英语6a unit 7 at christmas
1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a watch, a wallet,mirror,comb,teapot,skateboard
2.能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词:mine,yours, his, hers
3.能听懂会说: whose … is it? it’s …..
教学难点:本课时的难点是:名词性物主代词的理解和正确运用。whose …is it?it’s…  这组句型在操练时,教师可准备一些礼物,通过介绍礼物的活动,让学生在情境中理解并掌握。
2. 学生准备:每人一张练习纸。
1.warming up:
1)师生热情地问候:hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you.i’m miss shi.
2. 新课呈现:
1)、t:boys and girls.let’s listen to a song .<we wish you a merry christmas>
what holiday is it ?
when’s christmas?
do you like christmas?
children like christmas very much. why?
because they can get some presents at christmas.
2)、教学 watch, it’s mine.
t:look at this.(手表实物)it’s a christmas present from my father.it’s my watch . (教学单词watch)it’s mine.
(课件出示句子,生跟读mine   mine nine fine line screen:it’s my watch . it’s mine.)
t(手拿学生的文具):it’s your pen/ rubber … . it’s yours.
引导生回答: yes,it’s my pen/ rubber….it’s mine.(screen:it’s my …….it’s mine.)
3)、教学teapot,it’s yours.
t(出示自己的茶壶)look , it’s also my christmas  present.it’s my teapot.(教学单词teapot)
引导学生说: it’s your teapot. it’s yours.
(课件出示句子,生跟读yours。screen:it’s your …….it’s yours.)
4)practise in pairs (t-s,s-s):(用自己的实物)
s1:it’s your  book/ruler…….it’s yours.
s2: it’s my book/ruler…….it’s mine.
5)、教学单词skateboard,whose … is it? it’s her skateboard. it’s hers.
t:look , yang ling also gets a christmas present. can you guess what is it ?
(课件出示杨林和她的礼物盒子)it’s a toy. boys like to play with it.if you stand on it,you can skate quickly.  it’s a skateboard.
t:whose skateboard is it?
s:it’s yang ling’s skateboard.
t:it’s  her skateboard. it’s hers.
practise in pairs.
6)、同法教学wallet. whose wallet is it ? it’s his wallet. it’s his.
3. let’s listen to a song .<my shirt’s black>
4.play a game.
t: christmas is coming. look .santa claus  is coming. he gives us a lot of presents. let’s see.what are they?猜谜游戏。(apple, strawberry,fish,pig,cup,skateboard,teapot)
学习单词: comb. mirror
6a unit 7 at christmas 来自第一范文网。


6A Unit 7 At Christmas
