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at any rate 不管怎样,反正
if any 若有的话
anything but 除…以外任何事(物)
apart from 除…之外(别无)
appeal to 上诉
apply for 提出申请(或要求等)
apply...to 把…应用于
apply oneself to 致力于
approve of 赞成,满意
as for 至于,就…方面说
as to 至于,关于
may as well 还是…的好
aside from (美)除…以外
ask after 询问,问候
ask for 请求,要求,寻求
assist in 帮助(做某事)
assure sb. of sth. 使(某人)确信(某事)
be attached to 附属于;喜爱;爱慕
attach importance to 认为重要
attain to 达到(理想的状态)
attend on 照顾,侍候
attend to 专心;照顾,护理
pay attention to 注意;重视
be attentive to 对…关怀
be available for 有效
on an average 平均起来,一般说来
be aware of 知道,意识到,认识到
back and forth (前后)来回地,往返
back away 逐渐后退
go back to 追溯到…
back up 支持,援助;倒退
keep one's balance 保持(身体)平衡
on balance 总的说来
based on 以…为基础
to begin with 首先,第一
on behalf of 代表…,为了…
belong to 属于;附属
for the best (完全)出于好意
make the best of 充分利用(时间等)
black and blue (被打得)遍体鳞伤
black out 用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻)
be to blame 该受责备;应该负责
blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸
on board 在船(车、飞机)上
boast of 吹牛,自夸,夸耀
born of 源于;出生于
be bound to 一定会…,必然…
break away 突然离开;逃跑,脱身
break down 打破;发生故障;中止
break in 训练;强行进入;打断
break into 闯进;突然…起来
break off (使)折断;中断;断绝
break out (战争等)爆发;逃出
break through 突破,冲垮;突围
break up 打碎;(关系)破裂
catch one's breath 喘息;屏息
out of breath 喘不过气来
in brief 简言之;以简洁的形式
bring about 带来;使(船)掉过头来
bring back 带回来,使恢复
bring down 降低(温度等);使倒下
bring forward 提出(建议等);显示
bring in 收获(庄稼等);生产
bring out 使…显示出来;公布
bring up 教育;提出(供讨论)
build up 树立;逐步建立;增大
burn out 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽
burn up (炉火等)烧旺起来
burst into laughter 突然笑起来
but for 倘没有,要不是
by far …得多;最最
call after 追在…的后面叫喊
call back 叫回来,收回(错话等)
call for 要求,需要,提倡
call forth 唤起,引起
call in 收回(某物)
call off 叫走,叫开;取消
call on 访问;号召;呼吁
call up 征召(服役),动员
cannot but 不得不,不会不
cannot help 不得不;忍不住
cannot help but 不得不(接动词原形)
cannot...too... 越…越好
be capable of 有做出(某事)倾向的
care for 关怀,照管;愿意
carry back 运回;使回想起
carry off 拿走,夺去…的生命
carry on 继续开展,坚持下去
carry out 进行(到底),开展
carry through 进行(到底);贯彻
a case in point 一个恰当的例子
in case 假如;免得
in case of 假如,万一…
in any case 无论如何,总之
in no case 决不,无论如何不
in the case of 就…来说;至于
in this case 既然是这样


