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is her birthday in june?  yes.  what’s the date?  june 9th .
unit 4: draw pictures       cook dinner       read a book      answer the phone   study   mom
listen to music      clean the room     write a letter     write an e-mail     grandpa
hi, john. this is zhang peng. 
what are you doing?  i’m doing the dishes.  i’m reading a book.  grandpa is writing a letter. 
brother is doing homework.  mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. he’s writing an e-mail in the study.
unit 5: fly  jump  walk  run    swim    kangaroo   sleep    climb   fight   swing   drink water 
what is it doing?  it’s eating bananas.    what is she doing?    she’s jumping.  
what are they doing?  they’re swimming.     they’re climbing trees.
unit 6: take pictures    watch insects    pick up leaves     do an experiment    catch butterflies    count insects    collect leaves     write a report      play chess     have a picnic     honey     
are you eating lunch?  no, we aren’t.     are they eating the honey?  yes, they are.
is he playing chess?  yes, he is.          is she counting insects?  no, she isn’t.
unit 1: on foot    by bike    by bus    by train    by plane    by ship     go to school   
traffic light    traffic rule       get to       stop       wait           
how do you go to school, sarah?     usually i go to school on foot.  sometimes i go by bike.
how can i get to zhongshan park?    you can go by the no.15 bus.
unit 2: library    hospital   cinema   bookstore   where   please    post office    next to 


