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turn right  turn left   go straight   then
where is the cinema, please?   it’s next to the hospital.   turn left at the cinema, then go straight.  it’s on the left.
unit 3: next week    this morning     this afternoon    this evening    comic book   
post card     newspaper       buy
what are you going to do on the weekend?    i’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
where are you going this afternoon?  i’m going to the bookstore.
what are you going to buy?  i am going to buy a comic book.
unit 4: hobby    dive    live   teaches    watches     goes    does    doesn’t=does not  
ride a bike   play the violin    make kites   collect stamps       
what’s your hobby?  i like collecting stamps.   he likes collecting stamps, too.
does she teach english?  no, she doesn’t.      does she teach you math?  yes, she does.
unit 5: singer     writer     actor     actress     artist     tv reporter     engineer  
accountant    policeman     cleaner        salesperson     work       
what does your mother do?  she is a tv reporter.
where does she work?  she works in a school.   
how does she go to work?   she goes to work by bus.
unit 6: rain  cloud  sun   stream  come from   seed  soil   sprout    plant    should   then 
where does the rain come from?  it comes from the clouds.   
how do you do that?     what should you do then?
unit 1:  taller  shorter   stronger  older   younger  bigger  heavier  longer   thinner    smaller
how tall are you?  i’m 164 cm tall.       you’re shorter than me.  you’re 4 cm taller than me.


