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2019高考英语复习Vocabulary and Useful Expression

15. break… in/into pieces         把…摔成碎块

16. be devoted to sth./sb.       专致于…….; 关心…;挚爱…

17. devote one’s life to doing sth.     献身于…..

18. curved line                 曲线

19. achieve great success        取得巨大的成功

step iv. language points

1.discover & invent

discover  v. “ 发现”  被探索或被揭示的事物早已客观存在着.

columbus discovered america in 1492.哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲.

who discovered radium?     谁发现了镭?

invent  v. “发明”,指的是发明原先不存在的东西.

who invented the steam engine?  谁发明了蒸汽机?

2.who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?是谁发明了把电带给大城市中的每个人的办法?

the way of doing sth.= the way to do sth … “做…..的方法”

she showed us the way of cleaning it.= she showed us the way to clean it.她教给我们清洗它的办法.

the way引导的定语从句的引导词有三种, 可以用that;可以用in which;还可以省略.

i don’t like the way (that / in which) you speak to your father.



by the way 顺便说           、

by way of  …  通过……的方法,经,由

lose one’s way 迷路          

no way    (俚语)    没门,别想

feel one’s way 摸黑走,谨慎从事

on one’s way to…在去…的路上

in this way=by this means=with this method用这种方法

3.who put forward a theory about black holes?谁提出了黑洞的理论?

put forward 

(1) to offer (an idea, suggestion etc.) for consideration  提出(建议等)


may i put your name forward as our monitor?


put away  抛弃;舍弃               put down 写下来;记入名单;

put on   穿上;戴上;增加            put off  耽误;延期

put out   熄灭(灯);扑灭 (火)        put up 建立;建造

put up with…    忍受……        

•you can take anything from the shelf and read, but please ______ the books when you’ve finished with them.

a. put on   b. put down   c. put back   d. put off



