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Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone

unit 13 the mystery of the moonstone


word study1.comfort  2.reception  3.considerate 4.cigar 5.astonish  6.comcidence7.splendid  8.tension  9.elegant10.bachelor  11.prescription12.drawer  13.theft14.entertainer15.religious  16.stubborn 17. enquiry  18.assistance19.vital20.guilty  21.stain  22.banquet23.convince  24.assume25.cancel26.meanwhile 27.remark28.innocent29.pretend  30.commit31.straightforward  32.roundabout1.安慰 2.接待 3.考虑周到4.雪茄烟 5.使惊讶6.巧合的事7.壮丽的8.紧张9.优雅的10.未婚男子11.处方12.抽屉13.偷14.艺人15.宗教的16.顽固的17.查询18.帮助19.极重要的20.犯罪的21.玷污22.宴会 23.说服24.假定25.取消26.同时27.评论28.无罪的29.假装30.犯错31.直接的32.拐弯抹角的 


expressions1.turn…down2.be set in 3.on the reception for4.as revenge for5.at the time at times6.turn out 7.be engaged to do 8.keep sb. out of trouble1.    关小(声音等);拒绝2.2.    以…为背景3. 在宴会…上4. 对…报复5. 过去,从前   有时6. 证明是7. 约定做…8. 保护某人不受麻烦 


patterns &


english提忠告:1.      -i think you'd better do…2.      why not do…?3.      -why don't you do…?4.      -perhaps you should do…5.      -i suggest…/-i advise you to do…6.      -how about…?7.      -would you like/love…?8.      -i don't think it's a good idea to do… 

grammar 强调句用法:1.      it is / was + 被强调的部分 + that ( who, which ) + 句子的其他部分 2.      do / does / did + 动词原形3.       what … is / was …句式强调句 

topics &

writingwriting a normal letter:a normal letter should be short and clear. you should use simple language and get straight to the point. in the first paragraph briefly state the main point of the letter. the following paragraph(s) should give some details, and then restate the purpose of the letter in the final paragraph.背景知识

wilkie collins

wilkie collins (january 8, 1824 - september 23, 1889) was an english novelist, credited with writing the first mystery.

wilkie (william) collins was born in london. his father (also called william) was a landscape painter(风景画家), but it seems his father had ambitions for his son outside the arts. wilkie was first found a place in the tea trade, but displayed no aptitude(才能) for commerce(商务). he then studied law at lincoln's inn; he was admitted to the bar in 1851 but didn't prosper there either. it was only when he started writing that he seemed to find his vocation.



