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一派天真 点赞 分享



be about to do sth. 表示“即将要做某事,正要做某事”,常与when连用,是一个固定的句型,意为“正要……这时突然……”,强调即将发生的动作。这里的when相当于and then/and at that time 在那时。如: he is about to start. 他马上就要动身了。i was about to leave when the telephone rang. 我正要出门,就在这时电话响了。 ★
they can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only the bones. 现在分词短语leaving only bones,在这里用作结果状语,也就是说这些鱼能把人吃掉,结果只剩一副骨架啦!又如:his father died, leaving her a lot of money.
take off 起飞,如:the plane took off very smoothly. 飞机很平稳地起飞了。飞机降落用 land,如:the plane landed on the airport safely.
what a sad sight it was! 英语感叹句的句型是:what(a) + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语。当句中的名词是可数名词单数时,what后要加a, 而如果名词是可数名词复数或不可数名词时,则what后不加a,在口语中还常常省略it is。例如:what a lovely day (it is)! 多好的天啊!what silly questions you asked! 你提的问题多傻啊!感叹句还有一个句型:how + 形容词/副词 + 主语 + 谓语,那么把文章中的这句话转成这种句型应该是:how sad the sight was! 再如:how beautiful she sang! 她唱得真好!how fast he is running.他跑得真快! ★
for miles and miles i could see nothing except a great fire and lots of smoke.这里的except也可以用but,表示“除了……之外”。不过跟在 nobody, none, nothing, nowhere等否定词及疑问词who, what之后时多用but; 而在all, every, everybody, everyone, everything 等词后则通常用except。如:i looked everywhere except there. 除了那儿,我哪儿都看了。there’s nothing but a table in the room. 房间里只有一张桌子。nobody but me knows him. 只有我才认识他。★
for miles and miles 是由介词加名词构成的介词短语,在句中作状语用,表示强调。又如:for years and years 一连好几年;for days and days 一连好几天。
they can sell their beef at a high price in the capital. 介词at 后面常接表示花费、比率、程度、水平、年龄、速度等词,可以译作“以,用”。如:at a high price 意思是“以高价”,at a low cost 就是“以低成本”, we drove at high speed. 我们以最高的速度开车。the train was traveling at 100 kilometers an hour. 那火车以时速100公里行使。★
move on的意思就是“继续迁移,继续前进”。介词on表示动作的持续,意思是“继续”。例如:they walked on a little way without speaking. 他们朝前走了一段路,彼此都没有说话。he talked on about his travel in the forest. 他继续不停地讲他在森林里的那次旅行。
they move on to a new place every two or three years. 在这里 every + 基数词 + 复数名词,表示“每…,每隔…”,every five days就是每五天。如:take the medicine every four hours 每四个小时吃一次药。they usually come home every two weeks. 他们通常每两星期(每隔一星期)回家一次。另外,我们还可以用 every+序数词+单数名词 来表达同样的意思,所以: every five days 也可写成 every fifth day。又“隔天”是every other day.


