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it'll make the cabbage plants grow big and strong. 句中make 作“使(做某事)”或“使之成为”解,后跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,即:make sb. do sth. 如:the boss made them work all night. 老板让他们通宵劳动。how can we make the trees grow quicker? 我们怎样才能使这些树长得快些呢?注意:上述例句如果改用被动语态,则不定式符号to不能省略。如: they were made to work all night. / how can the trees be made to grow quicker?
the rest are let to grow even taller. 其余的留下来,好让它们长得更加高大。 the rest其余的(人或物),作主语时,谓语动词应根据上下文采用单数或复数形式。如:those books are mine; the rest are yours. 这些书是我的,其它的都是你的。 give me a glass of beer; the rest is yours. 给我一杯啤酒,剩下的是你的。因此the rest作主语时,若指代的是复数名词,谓语动词用复数;若指代的是单数名词或不可数名词则谓语动词用单数。   ★
in the past 意思是“在过去”,与一般过去时连用。如:there was no tv set in a family in the past. 过去家里没有电视机。但是in the past + 时间 可以和现在完成时连用, 如:great changes have taken place in china in the past twenty years. 在过去的二十年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。(这里的past还可以用last来代替)    ★
拿,带 可译为take, bring, carry,fetch 但意思各有不同:carry (= hold sth. and move with it)是不表明运动方向的“携带,拿,提”;take (= carry to another place or go with it)意思是“带走,带领”,指携带人或物离去;bring (= carry towards; come carrying sth. or with sb.)是“拿来(带来)某人(物)”。fetch (= go and get from another place and bring back)意为“去取(拿)来”,指的是一种往返运动,且返回时需要携带人或物。如:could you fetch me a clean shirt from my bedroom? 你到我的卧室里替我取件干净的衬衣好吗?i carried the books in a strong paper bag. 我用了一个硬纸袋携带这些书。do remember to bring your sister here. 一定记着把你妹妹带来。don't forget to take your bag when you go. 走时不要忘记拿走你的包。     ★
trees were cut but none were planted. 这里none的意思是“没有一个,一个也不(没有)”,可以指人也可以指物,代替可数或不可数名词。如: none of us are perfect. 我们都不是十全十美的。none作主语代替可数名词时,谓语动词既可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式。如: none of them has (have) come back yet. 他们一个也没回来。如果none代替不可数名词,谓语动词只用单数形式,如:none of the money is his. 那笔钱一点也没有他的。注意下面对话里的用法:“how many cakes / how much salt did you buy yesterday?”“none.”    ★
once a year每年一次;twice a year每年两次;three times a year每年三次 ;four times a year每年四次。注意:三次或三年以上用times;用“a”表示“每”,而不用 every,each。


