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1. i've got a pain here. 我这儿痛。pain 这个词是用人做主语而不是身体部位做主语。i have a pain in my back.我的背疼。i had pains all over last night. 我晚上浑身疼。这里"pain"是可数名词。精神上的痛苦也可用这个词。he gave his mother much pain by falling all the subjects. (注意这时pain是不可数名词) 他考试都不及格,妈妈很痛苦。又pain的复数形式"pains"还有“辛苦”的意思:no pains, no gains. (proverb)不劳无获。如用身体部位做主语,要用"ache"这个词: my back aches. ache还可以作名词,和head,tooth,ear,stomach一起构成复合名词:headache,toothache,earache,stomachache。
2. does it hurt here? 这儿痛吗?hurt在这儿和上文提到的pain, ache一样也是“疼”的意思。作不及物动词时与"ache"用法差不多,主语是身体部位,如my feet hurts.我脚疼死了。hurt做“受伤”讲时是及物动词,不仅指身体受伤,还可指感情受伤。如:i fell off my bicycle and hurt my leg. 我从自行车上摔下来,腿伤了。my feelings were hurt when he didn't ask me to the party. 他没邀请我去party,我的感情受到了伤害。
3. was the peach ripe or green? 桃子是熟的还是生的?这儿green是“生的,不成熟的”意思。the apples are too green to pick. 苹果没熟不能摘。green形容人是 “没经验,不成熟”,如刚参加工作可能会被说成:he's green at his job.
4. it was a bit green. 还有点生。a bit此处用作程度副词,相当于a little,作“一点儿”解,如:i'm a bit tired.我有点累了. let's have a bit of music.我们来点儿音乐。bit要修饰名词,需加上"of",如:a bit of water (= a little water)。注意not a bit 和 not a little 不同,如:she is not a bit hungry. (not a bit = not at all) 她一点也不饿。she is not a little hungry. (not a little = very) 她很饿。
5. every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods. 每个人都需要水和健康的食物。food 是食物的一般用语,diet 特指习惯的饮食,或为了保健而规定的食物。he is on a special diet to lose weight. 她正在特别饮食以减肥。
6. they eat different kinds of food which change into energy. 他们吃各种各样的食物,这些食物转变为能量。change into 使…变为、变成、换成,如:he tried to change iron into gold. 他试图点铁成金。could you change this fifty yuan into five tens for me, please? 你能把一张五十元换成五张十元吗?区分 change … for …: he changed his old suit for a new one.
7. the energy is measured in calories. 这种能量以卡来计算。in是一个非常有用的介词,在这儿表示“以…,用…”的意思:they talked in english.他们用英语交谈。in britain, the weight is generally measured in pounds.在英国,重量通常是用磅来计算的。the living space is measured in square metres. 居住面积用平方米计算。
8. the chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. 中国的饮食被认为是世界上最健康的饮食。复习consider的用法:一是“考虑”, 后面要跟动名词;一是“认为”,常接动词不定式的复合结构(主要是to be)。两者都可以用于被动语态。i considered going to see my grandmother tomorrow afternoon. 我考虑明天下午去看奶奶。you consider that to be important?你认为那很重要么?


