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1. it is believed that before writing was developed, people in china used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. 人们已经确信,在书写技术出现之前,中国人就常把若干石头放在一起记事。
“it is believed + that从句”相当于people believed that,可译为“据信”“有人相信”“人们认为”等。类似的说法还有:it is said that 据说,听说;it is reported that 据报道;有人报道;it is suggested that 有人建议。例如:it is said that he is going abroad next month.据说他下个月要出国。it is known to all that the earth is not flat, but round.大家都知道,地球不是平的,而是圆的。
2. the problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use. 问题是这种丝作为日常之用太贵重了。由连词 that 引导的从句在句中作表语,叫做表语从句。例如:the fact is that i don't know about it at all. 事实是我对此一无所知。the reason why he was late was that he had got to send his mother to hospital. 他迟到的理由是他必须送他妈妈上医院。my idea is that they should keep records of what they have done. 我的想法是他们应把所做的事记载下来。
1. in the beginning they used to carve chinese characters on stones to record important dates in history. 开始时,他们常把汉字刻在石头上,记载历史上重要的日期。词组in the beginning 相当于at first 起初,在开始时:you will find it rather difficult in the beginning. 开头你会觉得有点难。
2. but later, people developed a way of printing, using rocks.  但后来,人们利用石头,研制了一种印刷方法。现在分词短语using rocks在句中作状语,表示方式。这种短语也可作伴随状语。如:he stood at the gate, waiting for his friend from abroad. 他站在大门口,等着他从国外回来的朋友。he often takes exercises in the morning, walking, running and playing basketball.他常在早晨锻炼,散步,跑步,打篮球等。
3. they put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and beat it lightly. 他们再把一张潮湿的纸放在字的上面,并轻轻地拍打。注意冠词on top of… 和 at the top of …,如:i put your bag on top of mine. 我把你的包放在我的上面。she stood at the top of the mountain. 她站在山顶上。
4. what was the problem with this method? 这种方法有什么毛病吗?注意介词 with:we’ve got a problem with the car — it won’t start! 我们的汽车出故障了 — 发动不起来了!
5. after you printed the book, you had to throw away the carved pieces of wood. 你把书印出后,不得不把刻过的一片片木板扔掉。 carved pieces of wood 刻过的木板。carved是过去分词,作定语修饰名词,强调时间上的完成和动作上的被动。如:fallen leaves 落叶(已经在地上);spoken english 英语口语(被人们说的);developed country 发达国家
6. paper was one of the most important inventions in the whole of chinese history. 在整个中国历史中,纸是最重要的发明之一。whole 名词“整体、全部”:the different parts were joined to form a whole. we have not heard the whole of the story yet. 形容词“整个的、全部的”:the whole city was destroyed in the earthquake. it rained for three whole days.


