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注意fall的词性:prices are falling. 价格在下跌。there was a fall in the price of vegetables last week. 蔬菜的价格上周跌了。
8. around 1850, a terrible disease hit the potato crop, and potatoes went bad in the soil. 大约1850年,一场可怕的病害袭击了马铃薯,因而马铃薯在地里变坏了。成千上万的人死于饥饿。
掌握这里hit的用法:“袭击;遭受”,如:a powerful earthquake hit the city. 一次强烈地震袭击了这个城市。the area was often hit by flood. 这地区经常遭受水灾。
9. although many families became separated, people still kept in touch with each other. 虽然许多家庭妻离子散了,但是人们仍然互相保持联系。
掌握separate的用法:①形容词“各自的、分开的”,如:the children sleep in separate beds. 孩子们都睡在各自的床上。this word has three separate meanings. 这个单词有三种不同的意思。②动词,表示分割开来,通常后面会跟上"from":he separated the big eggs from the small ones.他把大蛋和小蛋区分开来。this patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该隔离。注意:separate 侧重指把原来连在一起或靠近的人或物分开,divide" 侧重于把一整体分成若干部分。
10. most irish people go to church every sunday and the church plays an important part in people's lives. 大多数爱尔兰人每个星期天都去做礼拜。教堂在人们的生活中起到重要的作用。go to church 的意思是“做礼拜”。
11. they also get together to read their own poems to each other. 他们还聚在一起,互相朗诵自己写的诗歌。词组get together 聚首、欢聚:let’s get together for lunch next sunday. 我们下周聚会吃顿午餐吧。又:we had a little get-together to celebrate his birthday. 我们为庆祝他的生日开了一个小型联欢会。

◇单元学习笔记◇ unit 24 grade 1
1. be busy with   忙于…
mother is always busy with her housework。母亲通常都是忙着做家务活。we are always busy with preparation for the exams.我们总是忙于准备考试。busy 也常用于 be busy doing sth结构,有“忙于干某事”的意思。如:mike has no time to play football now because he is busy doing his homework. 麦克现在没有时间踢足球,因为他正忙于做家庭作业。
2. knock … out of   从...中敲出…
the sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth. 这突然的一击把两颗牙从他嘴里打出来了。the diamond was knocked out of the ring when i dropped it. 我摔掉戒指的时候,钻石被敲出来了。注意knock的其它搭配:knock at/on 敲、打:please knock at/on the door before entering. 进门之前请先敲敲门。knock over 撞翻:don't knock over the bowl of water. 别把那碗水打翻了。knock down 撞倒:the cow knocked down a small tree and ate the leaves. 那头牛把一棵小树撞倒了,把树叶吃了。knock against 撞击:the child knocked his head against the wall. 那小孩把头撞在墙上了。



