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3A Unit 4 Goodbye

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3A Unit 4   Goodbye


3A Unit 4 Goodbye

一、teaching aims:
1.能听得懂、会读、会说 get up , go to school , go home , go to bed .
2.能熟练运用日常交际用语:all right . goodbye . see you . good night.
二、teaching important:
能听得懂、会读、会说get up , go to school , go home , go to bed.
三、teaching difficult.
能听得懂、会读、会说get up , go to school , go home , go to bed.
四、teaching aids:
五、teaching procedure:
step1. free talk.
 t: good morning , boys and girls.
 s: good morning , miss wu.
2.free talk.
 t: good morning, i’m miss wu. what’s your name ?
 s: i’m …
 t: nice to meet you, …
 s: nice to meet you, too.
 t: this is …, this is …
 s1: nice to meet you, …
 s2: nice to meet you, too.
(student acts a teacher to practice with other students one by one.)
step2. review: look and guess.
 t: boys and girls, please look at the screen and guess, what’s this?(课件猜物品)
 s: ……
step3. presentation.
1. (show a picture)
 t: look, this is a family photo. who is he ?
 s: he is mr black. he is father.
 t: yes, we also can call him “ dad”.
t: who is she ?
 s: she is mrs black. she is mother/ mum.
 t: what is he ?
 s: he is david. he is brother.
 t: what is she ?
 s: she is nancy. she is sister.
 t: boys and girls, it’s mr black’s family. it’s friday(星期五)。 let’s have a look at the life(生活) of david and nancy.
   (the clock is ringing.)
2. t: what’s happening? (show the clock) oh, the clock is ringing. what’s the time now?
  s: it’s seven o’clock.
  t: yes. it’s seven o’clock. (出示课件)  mrs black open the door, she will say…(老师边做动作边说)
  s: get up, david.
  t: very good. read after me :“get up”
   teach : get up.
  t: get up, boys and girls.
  s: …
  t: you can say :“all right.”
  s: all right.
  t: ok. let’s sleep. get up, boys and girls.
  s: all right.(边说边做睡醒的动作)
 t-s  s-s
3. t: now, show me your clock. follow me, the clock is tick-tock, tick-tock. what’s the time now?
  s: it’s seven thirty.
  t: it’s time to …
  s: go to school.
  t: yes, mr black says: “go to school now, nancy.”
   teach “go to school”(做动作)
  t: what will nancy say?
  s: ok, dad. goodbye.
  t: , come here, practise with me. go to school now,
  s: ok, miss wu. goodbye.
4  boys and girls, do you know how do they spend the time at the school ?(让学生自由发言。) ok, let’s look at the screen.(讲解这段话,再让学生跟读。)


3A Unit 4   Goodbye
