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3A unit2教学案例

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3A unit2教学案例


3A unit2教学案例

step 1 warm up
1.sing a song"hello"
 “hello”这首歌节奏很鲜明,学生也很容易学习,学生在优美的旋律中又能复习第一单元句型hello, i’m …. 再配以挥手打招呼的动作,学生会有很浓的兴趣。
2. free talk
 利用第一单元已学会句型hi/ hello. what’s your name? i’m….的句型,引出新的内容。
t: hi, i’m miss tang.
what’s your name?
s: hi, miss tang. i’m ….
此时,适时引出nice to meet you.及答句nice to meet you, too.和学生以握手的动作,五六轮下来,学生就能猜出这意思了。
step 2  presentation and practice
review: (characters) liu tao, david, yang ling, mike, nancy.
t : who is he/she?
ss: he/ she is …
t: you can say “this is…”
介绍他人用“this is…”(板书)
according to this, lead in four new characters: miss li, mr green, wang bing, helen.
t: hello. /hi. i’m helen. what’s your name? 
s: i’m …
t: nice to meet you…
s: nice to meet you ,too.
step3. consolidation
1.play a game: 开火车
①hi/hello. i’m… what’s your name ?
②good morning. /good afternoon .  
③this is…  nice to meet you . nice to meet you ,too.
s1:good morning. i’m… what’s your name?
s2:good morning. i’m… this is…(向s1介绍同桌)
s1:nice to meet you .
s3:nice to meet you , too.
2.listen to the tape and repeat
step 4 have a rest
say a rhyme 第一单元中的动物歌谣
bird, bird, 天上飞;
dog, dog, 汪汪汪;
cat, cat, 喵喵喵;
monkey, monkey, 最顽皮;
zebra, zebra, 黑又白;
elephant, elephant, 鼻子长;
panda, panda, 吃竹叶;
tiger, tiger, 最凶猛。
step 5 homework
1.listen to the tape and repeat
2.say“hello”to the classmates and teacher after class.
板书设计:unit 2 nice to meet you
hi/hello.    good morning.
what’s your name ?    good afternoon .
i’m…  nice to meet you .
this is…    nice to meet you, too .

本单元是小学生英语的起始单元,为调动学生的学习兴趣,我设计了一些活动,目的是想让学生感到学英语并不是件困难的事情,相反要十分高兴的去学。通过传话、传递图片、开火车、猜、歌唱等游戏,本课取得的教学效果不错,学生十分喜欢上英语课,学习积极性很高,虽然有部分同学仍羞于开口,害怕发错音,说错话,在这里,我们就要积极鼓励鼓励、调动这部分同学的积极性,增强他们开口说的欲望,最重要的是要给他们信心,让他们觉得学英语不是很难的事,他们也可以和其他同学一样做得很好,我也经常会用:“you’re good”或者 “good, good, very good.”来表扬表现好或者有进步的同学。另外,我发现坚持大量的重复和操练,能起到事半功倍的效果。



3A unit2教学案例
