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Unit 3 Asking the way

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Unit 3  Asking the way


Unit 3 Asking the way

wordsway      get     along     street     take        stop        place[       ]  [       ]   [       ]  [       ]  [       ]      [       ]     [       ] 路线         到达      沿着      街道      搭乘          停车站     地方,地点  road      history    museum       crossing    miss       kilometer       hotel[       ]    [       ]     [        ]       [        ]  [       ]     [       ]        [       ]  路          历史        博物馆         十字路口     没找到        千米             旅馆  no.         post         told          river       centre    middle        came[       ]   [       ]       [       ]      [       ]     [        ]   [       ]       [       ]  …号       邮政的         tell的过去     小河          中心       中间的     come的过去式primary     bookshop      steal         ran         shout         thief      [       ]    [          ]    [        ]    [        ]      [         ]     [          ]初级的        书店            偷         run的过去式    呼喊           贼        phrases1. ask the way  问路           2. come from australia来自澳大利亚3. live in nanjing   住在南京    4. visit the history museum参观历史博物馆5. know the way 认识路        6. ask… how to get there问…怎样去那儿7. the way to …. 到…去的路    8. go along 沿着…走9. turn right  右拐弯           10. at the third crossing在第三个十字路口11. on your right 在你的右边    12. how far 多远13. a kilometer away 一千米远  14. a long walk一段长路 15. take bus no. 5 搭乘5路公共车 16. how many stops多少站点 17. at the bus stop  在公共汽车站  18. every five minutes 每隔五分钟19. on zhongshan road在中山路上 20. in front of the history museum在历史博物馆前面21. get off  下车                     22. at the third stop在第三站 23. a map of the town 一张小镇的地图  24. show … to sb 向…出示….25. get to the shopping centre 到达购物中心26. buy some presents for my friends买一些礼物给我的朋友们27. in a shop在一个商店里    28. a book about animals 一本关于动物的书29. a short man 一个小个子男人         30. out of…从…里出来31. shout at…对…叫喊                 32. stop the thief 捉住小偷33. get … back 拿…回                 35. at the hotel在旅馆   34. guess the right place猜测正确的地名36. the mouse on my blouse在我衬衣上的老鼠sentences:asking the way 1.      excuse me, can you tell me the way to …, please?2.      how can i get to…?3.      can you show me the way to …?co along this street, and then turn … at the… crossing. the ,,, is on your….that’s all right./ you’re welcome./that’s ok.


Unit 3  Asking the way
